Which People Were in What Lifeboat -

A New Study

Revision date - 8/23/24
Latest Revisions
Stanley, Amy
Parrish, Lucinda
Shelley, Imanita
Brereton, George
Homer, Henry
Romaine, Charles
Jessop, Violet
Marsden, Evelyn
Roberts, Mary
Gregson, Mary
Newell, Madeleine

Newell, Marjorie


In 2018, at a convention of the Titanic Historical Society, several historians discussed how much misinformation there was on websites and in books regarding which lifeboats survivors had occupied when leaving the Titanic. We are indebted to Bill Wormstedt for taking the lead in forming a private Facebook group where each survivor (and in some cases victims) were discussed to try and accurately determine as much as possible in which lifeboat they left the ship, if indeed they escaped in a lifeboat, and which boat they occupied when they arrived at the Carpathia.

The team was comprised of people who were known for their knowledge, research, analytical skills, reasonableness and their willingness to participate fully and not withhold any knowledge from the group. It’s to everyone’s credit that there was no dissension regarding any one member being included.

It was agreed that each passenger/crewmember would be discussed, and each team member vote by giving a rating between 1 and 5, where 1 meant no known lifeboat and 5 was full confidence in a particular choice. The numbers would be averaged for a final rating. In some cases members varied as to which lifeboat they considered a person might have occupied, so both lifeboat choices are listed in the resulting spreadsheet. There is no guesswork involved here. If we had no facts to go on, we gave a rating of 1.

Emphasis was placed more on accounts nearer to the time of the sinking than those from much later. Firsthand accounts, such as letters or inquiry testimony, were felt to carry the most weight. Early newspaper interviews were preferred over later ones, but it was always recognized that newspaper accounts, if authentic, were filtered through reporters and editors before seeing print. We had to also accept that some survivors just did not make good witnesses.

Some lifeboats were easier to identify than others. Boat 13 was the only one to have another come down on it from above. Boat 4 was the only one to pull eight men from the water. Boats C and D were the only collapsibles launched. If an occupant described their boat tying to another, it ruled out all the boats that did not. But many accounts omitted, or may have omitted, key facts, such as the person being transferred from one boat to another, or whether their boat tied up to another at any time during the night. All possibilities had to be considered.

Previous lifeboat lists were only consulted as a point from which to begin. They were never considered a source, nor were they allowed to influence us in any way. Our results are not cast in stone, and we welcome any newly discovered accounts which may challenge our findings. Please do not expect to find biographical data in our results, unless it was pertinent to placing someone in a boat (“I sat by a lady from Coney Island”).

It took four years to discuss and assign everyone to a likely or potential lifeboat. Please enjoy the results as we have presented them. It is our sincere hope that we have brought some insight and consistency to the study of the lifeboats and their occupants.

Don Lynch

George Behe
Tad Fitch
Ioannis Georgiou
Bob Godfrey
Cathy Jutilla-Lamet
Don Lynch
Mike Poirier
Craig Stringer
Geoff Whitfield
Bill Wormstedt – Project Lead and Web-master

Classifications we are using, to document our confidence in our data:
1 .....little or no evidence in favor or against
2......one possibility among others
3......most likely possibility
4.5...almost certain
Because we average all our members numbers, many names are between these numbers, such as 3.78.

There are a number of variations on survivor names in use, and we have chosen to use Lester Mitcham’s list in “Report Into the Loss of the SS Titanic: A Centennial Re-Appraisal”. A number of us have been using that list since 2012.

This list contains 719 names - the 712 survivors, and the 7 people we know made it into the lifeboats, and died there.

Red text - died in lifeboat

© This document for the Members above.

Can you help us? YES!

What we are looking for are accounts and documentation from survivors that will help us confirm lifeboat placements for those with a Confidence Level of less than 5.00. We are not looking for opinions, only factual documentation.

We are not looking for additional accounts that further confirm those we are sure of. For example, we do not need more accounts about J. Bruce Ismay. We also are not looking for speculation or guesswork.

With this new documentation, our team will look at it, and determine if we have enough information to change the results we already have. Any changes we decide on, will be listed here on our main page, so everyone can see them. The person who supplies the new information will be credited in the survivor's write up.

Send any new information to [email protected].

Name Dept / Passenger Class Job Lifeboat from
 Lifeboat to Carpathia Confidence Level
Abbott, Mrs Rhoda Mary 3rd   A 14 5.00
Abelseth, Miss Karen Marie 3rd   16? 16? 2.00
Abelseth, Mr Olaus Jørgensen 3rd   A 14 5.00
Abelson, Hannah(?) Mrs 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Abi-Al-Muna, Mr Nasif Qasim
    [WS List as Hassef Kassein]
3rd   4? 15? C? 4? 15? C? 2.00
Abrahamsson, Mr Abraham August Johannes 3rd   15? 15? 2.00
Aks, Master Frank Philip [infant] 3rd   10? 10? 3.22
Aks, Mrs Leah 3rd   4 4 4.75
Allen, Miss Elisabeth Walton 1st   2 2 5.00
Allen, Mr Ernest Frederick G. E Trimmer B 4?   12? 4.00
Allison, Master Hudson Trevor [infant] 1st   11 11 4.00
Al-Za inni, Mr Fahim Ruhanna  
    [WS List as Lenni Fabini]  [Phillip Zenni]
3rd   6 6 4.53
Andersen, Miss Carla Christine Nielsine 3rd   16 16 3.78
Anderson, Mr Harry 1st   3? 3? 2.40
Anderson, Mr James (John?) D Able Seaman   3 3 3.83
Andersson, Miss Erna Alexandra 3rd   ?
Andersson, Mr August Edvard
    [booked as August Wennerström]
3rd   A 14 5.00
Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia 1st   10 10 5.00
Andrews, Mr Charles Edward V Assistant Steward 16 16 5.00
Angle, Mrs Florence Agnes 2nd   11 11 5.00
Appleton, Mrs Charlotte Lane 1st   2 2 5.00
Archer, Mr Ernest Edward D Able Seaman   16 16 5.00
Asplund, Mr Johan Charles 3rd   13 13 2.39
Asplund, Master Edvin Rojj Felix [child] 3rd   10 (5 votes)
15 (2 votes)
10 (5 votes)
15 (2 votes)
Asplund, Miss Lillian Gertrud [child] 3rd   10 (5 votes)
15 (2 votes)
10 (5 votes)
15 (2 votes)
Asplund, Mrs Selma Augusta Emilia 3rd   10 (5 votes)
15 (2 votes)
10 (5 votes)
15 (2 votes)
Assaf, Mrs Mariyam 3rd   C or D C or D 2.00
Astor, Mrs Madeleine Talmage 1st   4 4 5.00
Aubart, Mme. Léontine Pauline 1st   9 9 5.00
Avery, Mr James Frank E Trimmer B? B? 1.95
Ayyub Dahir, Miss Bannurah
    [WS List as Ayoub Banoura]
3rd   12
12 3.86
Ba qlini, Miss Eugenie [child] 3rd   C C 2.39
Ba qlini, Miss Hileni Barbarah [infant] 3rd   C C 2.39
Ba qlini, Miss Mariya Katarin [child] 3rd   C C 2.39
Ba qlini, Mrs Marijam Latif 3rd   C C 2.39
Backström, Mrs Maria Mathilda 3rd   12 12 3.50
Badman, Miss Emily Louisa 3rd   C C 2.40
Baggott, Mr Allen Marden V Saloon Steward 9 9 2.64
Bailey, Mr Joseph Henry D Master-at-Arms   16 16 5.00
Ball, Mr Percy V Plate Steward 13? 13? 1.21
Ball, Mrs Ada Elizabeth 2nd   10 10 4.33
Banski, Mrs Marija     [booked under her maiden name of Osman] 3rd   12 (3 votes)
10 or 12 (3 vtes)
? (3 votes)
12 (3 votes)
10 or 12 (3 vtes)
? (3 votes)
Barber, Miss Ellen Mary
    [maid to Mrs Cavendish]
1st   6 6 5.00
Barkworth, Mr Algernon Henry Wilson 1st   B 12 5.00
Barrett, Mr Frederick E Leading Fireman 13 13 5.00
Baxter, Mrs Hélène 1st   6 6 5.00
Bazzani, Mrs Albina [maid to Mrs Bucknell] 1st   8 8 5.00
Beane, Mr Edward 2nd   9? 9? 3.00
Beane, Mrs Ethel 2nd   9? 9? 3.00
Beattie, Thomson (died) 1st   A (buried at sea by Oceanic )   5.00
Beauchamp, Mr George William E Fireman 13 13 5.00
Becker, Master Richard F. [child] 2nd   11 11 5.00
Becker, Miss Marion Louise [child] 2nd   11 11 5.00
Becker, Miss Ruth Elizabeth 2nd   13 13 5.00
Becker, Mrs Nellie Elizabeth 2nd   11 11 5.00
Beckwith, Mr Richard Leonard 1st   5 5 5.00
Beckwith, Mrs Sallie 1st   5 5 5.00
Beesley, Mr Lawrence 2nd   13 13 5.00
Behr, Mr Karl Howell 1st   5 5 5.00
Bennett, Mrs Mabel V Stewardess 5 5 5.00
Bentham, Miss Lillian W. 2nd   12 12 5.00
Bessette, Miss Nellie Mayo [maid to Mrs White] 1st   8 8 5.00
Bidois, Miss Rosalie [maid to Mrs Astor] 1st   4 4 5.00
Binstead, Mr Walter E Trimmer ? ? 1.00
Bird, Miss Ellen [maid to Mrs Straus] 1st   8 8 5.00
Bishop, Mr Dickinson H. 1st   7 7 5.00
Bishop, Mrs Helen Margaret 1st   7 7 5.00
Björnström-Steffansson, Mr Mauritz Håkan
    [also on the WS List as H.B. Steffanson]
1st   D D 5.00
Blake, Mr Percival Albert E Trimmer ? (7 votes)
B (2 votes)
4 or 12
Blank, Mr Henry 1st   7 7 5.00
Bliss, Mrs Emma V Stewardess 15?
Bonnell, Miss Caroline T. 1st   8 8 5.00
Bonnell, Miss Elizabeth 1st   8 8 5.00
Bowen, Miss Grace Scott
    [governess to Mr John Ryerson]
1st   4 4 5.00
Bowerman, Miss Elsie Edith 1st   6 6 5.00
Bowker, Miss Ruth V 1st Cashier 6 6 5.00
Boxhall, Mr Joseph Groves D 4th Officer   2 2 5.00
Bradley, Miss Bridget Delia 3rd   C?  D? C?  D? 2.64
Brereton, Mr George Andrew
    [booked as George Brayton]
1st   15 15 4.89
Brice, Mr Walter T D Able Seaman   11 11 5.00
Bride, Mr Harold Sydney V Assistant Telegraphist
 Marconi Co.
B 12 5.00
Bright, Mr Arthur John D Quartermaster   D D 5.00
Brown, Miss Amelia Mary 
   [cook to the Allison family]
2nd   11 11 4.00
Brown, Miss Edith Eileen 2nd   14 14 5.00
Brown, Mrs Elizabeth Catherine 2nd   14 14 5.00
Brown, Mr Edward V Saloon Steward A 14 5.00
Brown, Mrs Caroline Lane 1st   D (9 votes)

D (1 vote)
4 (7 votes)
12 (1 vote)
Brown, Mrs Margaret 1st   6 6 5.00
Bryhl, Miss Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg 2nd   4
Buckley, Mr Daniel 3rd   C
Bucknell, Mrs Emma Eliza 1st   8 8 5.00
Buley, Mr Edward John D Able Seaman   10 14 5.00
Burgess, Mr Charles V Extra 3rd Baker 13 13 5.00
Burke, Mr William V Second Dining
 Saloon Steward
10 10 5.00
Burns, Miss Elizabeth Margaret
    [nursemaid to Master Spedden]
1st   3 3 5.00
Burrage, Mr Alfred V Plate Steward ? ? 1.00
Buss, Miss Kate 2nd   9 9 5.00
Byström, Mrs Karolina 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Calderhead, Mr Edward Pennington 1st   5 7 4.00
Caldwell, Master Alden Gates [infant] 2nd   13 13 5.00
Caldwell, Mr Albert Francis 2nd   13 13 5.00
Caldwell, Mrs Sylvia Mae 2nd   13 13 5.00
Cameron, Miss Clear Annie 2nd   14 10 5.00
Candee, Mrs Helen Churchill 1st   6 6 5.00
Cardeza, Mr Thomas Drake Martinez 1st   3 3 4.75
Cardeza, Mrs Charlotte Wardle 1st   3 3 4.75
Carter, Master William Thornton 2nd [child] 1st   4 4 5.00
Carter, Miss Lucile Polk 1st   4 4 5.00
Carter, Mr William Ernest 1st   C C 5.00
Carter, Mrs Lucile 1st   4 4 5.00
Cassebeer, Mrs Eleanor Genevieve 1st   5 5 5.00
Caton, Miss Annie V Turkish Bath
11 11 4.56
Cavell, Mr George Henry E Trimmer 15 15 5.00
Cavendish, Mrs Julia Florence 1st   6 6 5.00
Chaffee, Mrs Carrie Constance 1st   4 (9 votes)
11 (7 votes)
4 (9 votes)
11 (7 votes)
Chambers, Mr Norman Campbell 1st   5 5 5.00
Chambers, Mrs Bertha M. 1st   5 5 5.00
Chang, Mr Chip [WS List as Chang Chip] 3rd   13 or C 13 or C 3.95
Chapman, Mr Joseph Charles V Boots Steward 9 9 4.00
Chaudanson, Miss Victorine
    [maid to Mrs Ryerson]
1st   4 4 5.00
Cheong, Mr Foo [WS List as Cheong Foo] 3rd   13 or C 13 or C 3.95
Cherry, Miss Gladys 1st   8 8 5.00
Chevré, Mr Paul Romaine Marie Léonce 1st   7 7 5.00
Chibnall, Mrs Edith Martha 1st   6 6 5.00
Christy, Mrs Alice Frances 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Clark, Mr William E Fireman 15 15 5.00
Clark, Mrs Virginia Estelle 1st   4 4 5.00
Clarke, Mrs Ada Maria 2nd   14  (8 votes -   4.25)

10 (2 votes)

transfer to D, 4, 10, 12



Cleaver, Miss Alice Catherine
    [nursemaid to Master Allison]
1st   11 11 4.00
Clench, Mr Frederick D Able Seaman   12 12 5.00
Coghlan, Mrs Annie [signed on
    using her maiden name of Martin]
V Stewardess 11 11 5.00
Cohen, Miss Rachel Juli
    [booked as Miss Julie Christy]
2nd   ? ? 1.00
Cohen, Mr Gershon 3rd   4
Colgan, Mr E. Joseph V Scullion ? ? 1.00
Collett, Mr Sidney Clarence Stuart 2nd   9 9 5.00
Collins, Mr John V Scullion B 12? or 4? 5.00
Collins, Mr Samuel A. E Fireman 1 1 5.00
Collyer, Miss Marjorie Charlotte [child] 2nd   14 (9 votes)
14 (8 votes)
12 (1 vote)
4.78 (leaving in 14)
3.88 (staying in 14)
3.00 (transfer to 12)
Collyer, Mrs Charlotte Annie 2nd   14 (9 votes) 14 (8 votes)
12 (1 vote)
4.78 (leaving in 14)
3.88 (staying in 14)
3.00 (transfer to 12)
Combes, Mr George E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Compton, Miss Sara Rebecca 1st   14 D 5.00
Compton, Mrs Mary Eliza 1st   14 D 5.00
Connolly, Miss Catherine 3rd   13
2 .00
Cook, Mrs Selena 2nd   14 D 5.00
Cornell, Mrs Malvina Helen 1st   2 2 5.00
Corr, Miss Ellen 3rd   10
14 trans to 10
14 trans to 10
3 .00
Couper, Mr Robert E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Coutts, Master Neville Leslie [child] 3rd   2 2 5.00
Coutts, Master William Loch [child] 3rd   2 2 5.00
Coutts, Mrs Mary 3rd   2 2 5.00
Crafter, Mr Frederick V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Crawford, Mr Alfred George V Bedroom Steward 8 8 5.00
Cribb, Miss Laura Mae 3rd   ?
4, D, 10,12
14 then ?
4, D, 10,12
14 then ?
Crimmins, Mr James E Fireman 16 to 6? 16 to 6? 3.00
Crosby, Miss Harriette Rebecca 1st

5 5 5.00
Crosby, Mrs Catherine Elizabeth

5 5 5.00
Crowe, Mr George Frederick V Saloon Steward 14 14 5.00
Cullen, Mr Charles V Bedroom Steward ? ? 1.00
Cumings, Mrs Florence Briggs 1st   4 4 5.00
Cunningham, Mr Andrew V Bedroom Steward 4 (from sea) 4 5.00
Dahl, Mr Charles [anglicized from Karl] Edwart 3rd   15 15 5.00
Daly, Miss Margaret
    [booked as (her sister) Marcella Daly]
3rd   15 15 4.83
Daly, Mr Eugene Patrick 3rd   B

12 (3 votes)
4 or 12 (6 votes)

Daly, Mr Peter Denis 1st   A 14 5.00
Daniel, Mr Robert Williams 1st   ? (6 votes)
Coll. B (3 votes)
? (6 votes)
4 or 12 (3 votes)
Daniels, Miss Sarah [maid to Mrs Allison] 1st   8 8 5.00
Daniels, Mr Sidney Edward V Steward B 4 5 (for B)
3.14 (for 4)
Davidson, Mrs Orian Scott 1st   3 3 5.00
Davies, Master John Morgan Jr [child] 2nd   13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)

13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)

Davies, Mrs Elizabeth Agnes Mary 2nd   13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)

13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)

Davis, Miss Mary 2nd   13
Davison, Mrs Elizabeth Mary 3rd   15 (7 votes)
? (2 votes)
15 (7 votes)
? (2 votes)
De Messemaeker, Mr Guillaume Joseph 3rd   13 13 3.80
De Messemaeker, Mrs Anna 3rd   9 9 3.29
De Mulder, Mr Theodoor 3rd   ? (5 votes)
B (4 votes)
? (5 votes)
? (4 votes)
Dean, Master Bertram Vere [child] 3rd   10 10 5.00
Dean, Miss Eliza Gladys [infant]  3rd   10 10 5.00
Dean, Mrs Eva Georgetta 3rd   10 10 5.00
Del Carlo, Mrs Argene 2nd   11 (6 votes)
? (2 votes)

11 (6 votes)
? (2 votes)
Devaney, Miss Margaret Delia 3rd   9 (7 votes)
C (2 votes)
9 (7 votes)
C (2 votes)
Diaper, Mr John Joseph E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Dick, Mr Albert Adrian 1st   3 3 4.81
Dick, Mrs Vera 1st   3 3 4.81
Dilley, Mr John E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Dillon, Mr Thomas Patrick E Trimmer 4 (from sea) 4 5.00
Dodge, Dr Henry Washington 1st   13 13 5.00
Dodge, Master Washington [child] 1st   5 7 5.00
Dodge, Mrs Ruth 1st   5 7 5.00
Doel, Mr Frederick E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Doling, Miss Elsie 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Doling, Mrs Ada Julia Elizabeth 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Dore, Mr A. E Trimmer ? ? 1.00
Dorking, Mr Edward Arthur 3rd   B

Douglas, Mrs Mahala (Walter) 1st   2 2 5.00
Douglas, Mrs Mary Hélène (Frederick) 1st   6 6 5.00
Dowdell, Miss Elizabeth 3rd   13 13 5.00
Drew, Master Marshall Brines [child] 2nd   11 (8 votes)
11 (8 votes)
Drew, Mrs Lulu Thorne 2nd   11 (8 votes)
11 (8 votes)
Driscoll, Miss Bridget 3rd   ?
2 .00
Dropkin, Miss Jennie 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Duff Gordon, Lady Lucy Christiana
    [booked as Mrs Morgan]
1st   1 1 5.00
Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo Edmund
    [booked as Mr Morgan]
1st   1 1 5.00
Duquemin, Mr Joseph Pierre 3rd   B or D (3 votes)
B (2 votes)
D (4 votes)

12 or 14 or D
12 or 14


Duran y Moré, Miss Asunción 2nd   12 12 1.71
Dyker, Mrs Anna Judith Elizabeth 3rd   Collapsible C
Collapsible C
Dymond, Mr Frank E Fireman 15 15 5.00
Earnshaw, Mrs Olive 1st   7 7 5.00
Ellis, Mr John Bertram V Assistant Vegetable
2? 8? 2? 8? 2.28
Emanuel, Miss Virginia Ethel [child] 3rd   13 13 5.00
Endres, Miss Caroline Louise
    [nurse to Mrs Astor]
1st   4 4 5.00
Etches, Mr Henry Samuel V Bedroom Steward 5 5 5.00
Eustis, Miss Elizabeth Mussey 1st   4 4 5.00
Evans, Mr Alfred Frank D Lookout   15 15 3.75
Evans, Mr Frank Oliver D Able Seaman   10 14 5.00
Fang, Mr Lang 3rd   14 (from sea) 14 4.55
Faulkner, Mr William Stephen V Bedroom Steward 11 11 4.00
Finoli, Mr Luigi 3rd   15 15 2.14
Fitzpatrick, Mr Cecil William Norman E Mess Steward   B 12 5.00
Flarty, Mr Edward E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Fleet, Mr Frederick D Lookout   6 6 5.00
Flegenheim, Mrs Antoinette 1st   7 7 5.00
Fleming, Miss Margaret [maid to Mrs Thayer] 1st   4 4 5.00
Flynn, Mr John Irwin 1st   5 7 4.00
Foley, Mr John D Storekeeper   4 4 5.00
Foley, Mr William C. V Steward 13 13 2.38
Fortune, Miss Alice Elizabeth 1st   10 10 5.00
Fortune, Miss Ethel Flora 1st   10 10 5.00
Fortune, Miss Mabel Helen 1st   10 10 5.00
Fortune, Mrs Mary 1st   10 10 5.00
Forward, Mr James D Able Seaman   16 16 3.69
Francatelli, Miss Laura Mabel
    [secretary to Lady Duff Gordon]
1st   1 1 5.00
Frauenthal, Dr Henry William 1st   5 5 5.00
Frauenthal, Mr Isaac Gerald 1st   5 5 5.00
Frauenthal, Mrs Clara 1st   5 5 5.00
Fredericks, Mr Walter Francis E Trimmer 15 15 5.00
Frölicher, Miss Hedwig Margaritha 1st   5 5 5.00
Frölicher-Stehli, Mr Maximilian Josef
    [WS List as Stehli, Mr Max Frolicher]
1st   5 5 5.00
Frölicher-Stehli, Mrs Margaretha Emerentia
   [WS List as Stehli, Mrs Max Frolicher]
1st   5 5 5.00
Fryer, Mr Albert Ernest E Trimmer ? ? 1.00
Futrelle, Mrs Lily May 1st   9 9 5.00
Garside, Miss Ethel 2nd   10
Gibbons, Mr Jacob William V Saloon Steward 11 11 5.00
Gibson, Miss Dorothy Winifred 1st   7 7 5.00
Gibson, Mrs Pauline Caroline 1st   7 7 5.00
Gieger, Miss Amalie Henriette
    [maid to Mrs Widener]
1st   4 4 5.00
Gilnagh, Miss Mary Katherine 3rd   10 10 3.94
Glynn, Miss Mary Agatha 3rd   13 13 4.89
Godley, Mr George A. E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Gold, Mrs Katherine V Stewardess 11 11 5.00
Goldenberg, Mr Samuel Levi 1st   5 5 4.33
Goldenberg, Mrs Nella 1st   5 5 4.33
Goldsmith, Master Frank John William [child] 3rd   C C 5.00
Goldsmith, Mrs Emily Alice 3rd   C C 5.00
Gracie, Mr Colonel Archibald 1st   B 12 5.00
Graham, Miss Margaret Edith 1st   3 3 5.00
Graham, Mrs Edith Ware 1st   3 3 5.00
Graham, Mr Thomas G. E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Greenfield, Mr William Bertram 1st   7 7 5.00
Greenfield, Mrs Blanche 1st   7 7 5.00
Gregson, Miss Mary Josephine V Stewardess 11 (8 votes)
D (2 votes)
14 (1 votes)
11 (8 votes)
D (2 votes)
14 (1 votes)
Guy, Mr Edward John V Assistant Boots
5 5 4.94
Haggan, Mr John E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Haines, Mr Albert M. D Boatswain's Mate   9 9 5.00
Hakkarainen, Mrs Elin Matilda 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Halford, Mr Richard V Steward ? (3 votes)
5? (6 votes)
? (3 votes)
5? (6 votes)
Hämäläinen, Master Viljo Unto Johannes [infant] 2nd   4 4 5.00
Hämäläinen, Mrs Anna 2nd   4 4 5.00
Hannah, Mr Borak Suleiman Assi
    [WS List as Hanna Monbarek]
3rd   15? 15? 1.11
Hansen, Mrs Jennie Louise 3rd   11 11 5.00
Harder, Mr George Achilles 1st   5 5 5.00
Harder, Mr William D Window Cleaner   14 ? 5.00
Harder, Mrs Dorothy 1st   5 5 5.00
Hardwick, Mr Reginald V Kitchen Porter   ? ? 1.00
Hardy, Mr John T. V Chief 2nd Class
D D 5.00
Harper, Miss Annie Jessie Spiers [child] 2nd   11 11 4.07
Harper, Mr Henry Sleeper 1st   3 3 5.00
Harper, Mrs Myra R. 1st   3 3 5.00
Harris, Mr Frederick E Fireman 14 to ?
14 no transfer
A to 14
Harris, Mr George 2nd   13
13 or 15
13 or 15
Harris, Mrs Irene Rachel 1st   D D 5.00
Harrison, Mr Aragon Drummond V Saloon Steward 9 9 4.63
Hart, Miss Eva Miriam [child] 2nd   14 (9 votes)

10 (7 votes)
12 (2 votes)

Hart, Mrs Esther Ada 2nd   14 (9 votes)

10 (7 votes)
12 (2 votes)
Hart, Mr John Edward P. V Steward 15 15 5.00
Hartnell, Mr Frederick V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Hassab, Mr Hammad
    [manservant to Mr Harper]
1st   3 3 5.00
Hawksford, Mr Walter James 1st   3
11 or 13
11 or 13
Hays, Miss Margaret Bechstein 1st   7 7 5.00
Hays, Mrs Clara Jennings 1st   3 3 5.00
Healy, Miss Honor 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Hebb, Mr Albert E Trimmer B 12 or 4 4.00
Hedman, Mr Oskar Arvid 3rd   10 and no transfer 10 and no transfer 2.81
Heikkinen, Miss Laina 3rd   10?
Hellström, Miss Hilda Maria 3rd   C C 2.64
Hemming, Mr Samuel Ernest D Lamp Trimmer   4 4 5.00
Hendrickson, Mr Charles George E Leading Fireman 1 1 5.00
Herman, Miss Alice 2nd   9 9 3.00
Herman, Miss Kate 2nd   9 9 3.00
Herman, Mrs Jane 2nd   9 9 3.00
Hewlett, Mrs Mary Dunbar 2nd   13 13 5.00
Hichens, Mr Robert D Quartermaster   6 6 5.00
Hippach, Miss Jean Gertrude 1st   4 4 5.00
Hippach, Mrs Ida Sophia 1st   4 4 5.00
Hirvonen, Miss Hildur Elisabeth [child] 3rd   D D 3.00
Hirvonen, Mrs Helga Elisabeth 3rd   D D 3.00
Hocking, Miss Ellen 2nd   4 4 4.28
Hocking, Mrs Elizabeth 2nd   4 4 4.28
Hogeboom, Mrs Anna Louisa 1st   10 10 5.00
Hogg, Mr George Alfred D Lookout   7 7 5.00
Hold, Mrs Annie Margaret 2nd   11 11 3.94
Holverson, Mrs Mary Aline 1st   ? ? 1.00
Homer, Mr Henry Haven [booked as H. Haven] 1st   15 15 4.89
Honkanen, Miss Eliina 3rd   ? ? 1.25
Hopkins, Mr Robert John D Able Seaman   13 13 5.00
Horswill, Mr Albert Edward James D Able Seaman   1 1 5.00
Hosono, Mr Masabumi 2nd   10 12? 5.00
Howard, Miss May Elizabeth 3rd   C C 5.00
Hoyt, Mr Frederick Maxfield 1st   D D 5.00
Hoyt, Mrs Jane Anne 1st   D D 5.00
Hoyt, Mr William Fisher (died) 1st   14 (from sea) 14 (buried at sea from Carpathia) 5.00
Humphreys, Mr Sidney James D Able Seaman [signed
 on as a Quartermaster]
11 11 5.00
Hunt, Mr Albert E Trimmer C C 5.00
Hurst, Mr Walter E Fireman B 4?  12? 5.00
Hyland, Mr Leo James V Steward 11 11 5.00
Hyman, Mr Soloman Abraham 3rd   13 13 4.75
Ibrahim, Mrs Mariya Zahie Halaut
    [WS List as Mary Joseph]
3rd   D
Icard, Miss Rose Amelie [maid to Mrs Stone] 1st   6 6 5.00
Ilett, Miss Bertha 2nd   14
4, D, 12
Ismay, Mr Joseph Bruce 1st   C C 5.00
Jacobsohn, Mrs Amy Frances 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Jalševac, Mr Ivan [WS List as Ivan Yalševae] 3rd   15 15 3.93
Jansson, Mr Carl Olof 3rd   A 14 5.00
Jermyn, Miss Annie Jane 3rd   D
Jerwan, Mrs Marie Marthe 2nd   11 11 5.00
Jessop, Miss Violet Constance V Stewardess 16 16 4.55
Jewell, Mr Archie D Lookout   7 7 5.00
Johannesen, Mr Bernt Johannes 3rd   13 13 5.00
Johansson, Mr Oskar Larder 3rd   10
Johnson, Master Harold Theodor [child] 3rd   D D 3.22
Johnson, Miss Eleanor Ileen [child] 3rd   D D 3.22
Johnson, Mrs Elisabeth Vilhelmina (Alice) 3rd   D D 3.22
Johnstone, Mr James V Saloon Watchman 2 2 5.00
Jones, Mr Thomas William D Able Seaman   8 8 5.00
Jonsson, Mr Carl 3rd   A
4 or 12
Joughin, Mr Charles John V Chief Baker   B 12 5.00
Judd, Mr Charles Edward E Fireman A 14 5.00
Jussila, Mr Eiriik 3rd   14
4, 10, 12, D
Kantor, Mrs Miriam 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Karlsson, Mr Einar Gervasius 3rd   13 13 2.50
Karun, Miss Manca
    [WS List as Anna Karun] [child]
3rd   15 15 3.93
Karun, Mr Franz 3rd   15 15 3.93
Kasper, Mr Franz Wilhelm E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Keane, Miss Hanora Agnes 2nd   10 10 4.75
Keen, Mr Percy Edward V Saloon Steward 15 15 4.94
Kelly, Miss Annie Katherine 3rd   D D 3.94
Kelly, Miss Mary 3rd   D D 2.06
Kelly, Mrs Fanny Maria 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Kemish, Mr George E Fireman 9 9 5.00
Kennedy, Mr John Joseph 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Kenyon, Mrs Marion Estelle 1st   8 8 5.00
Kimball, Mr Edwin Nelson Jr 1st   5 5 5.00
Kimball, Mrs Susan Gertrude 1st   5 5 5.00
Kink, Miss Luise Gretchen [child] 3rd   2 2 5.00
Kink, Mr Anton 3rd   2 2 5.00
Kink, Mrs Luise 3rd   2 2 5.00
Knight, Mr George Henry V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Knowles, Mr Thomas E Fireman's Messman D
Krekorian, Mr Neshan
    [WS List as Krokorian Nichan]
3rd   10 10 4.25
Kreuchen, Miss Emilie [maid to Mrs Robert] 1st   2 2 5.00
Lam, Mr 3rd   13 or C 13 or C 3.95
Landergren, Miss Aurora Adelia 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Laroche, Miss Louise [child] 2nd   10
Laroche, Miss Simonne Marie Anne Andrée [child] 2nd   10
Laroche, Mrs Juliette Marie Louise 2nd   10
Lavington, Miss Elizabeth V Stewardess ?
Leader, Dr Alice 1st   8 8 5.00
Leather, Mrs Elizabeth May V Stewardess 16 16 5.00
Lee, Mr Bing [WS List as Lee Bing] 3rd   13 or C 13 or C 3.95
Lee, Mr Reginald Robinson D Lookout   13 13 5.00
Lehmann, Miss Bertha 2nd   12
14 (to 4 or 12)
4 or 12 (from 14)
Leitch, Miss Jessie Wills 2nd   11 11 4.07
Lemore, Mrs Amelia 2nd   14 D 5.00
Leroy, Miss Berthe [maid to Mrs Mahala Douglas] 1st   2 2 2.61
Lesueur, Mr Gustave J. [manservant to Mr Cardeza] 1st   3 3 4.75
Lewis, Mr Arthur Ernest Read V Steward 15 15 3.13
Lightoller, Mr Charles Herbert D 2nd Officer   B 12 5.00
Lindell, Mr Edvard Bengtsson (died) 3rd   A (died on lifeboat)   5.00
Lindell, Mrs Elin Gerda (died) 3rd   A (died on lifeboat)   5.00
Lindqvist, Mr Eino William 3rd   A 14 3.72
Lindsay, Mr William Charles E Fireman B 12 5.00
Lindström, Mrs Sigrid 1st   ?
? 1.00
Lines, Miss Mary Conover 1st   9 9 5.00
Lines, Mrs Elizabeth Lindsey 1st   9 9 5.00
Ling, Mr Hee 3rd   13 or C 13 or C 3.95
Littlejohn, Mr Alexander James V Saloon Steward 13 13 5.00
Livshin, Mr David
    [booked as Abraham Harmer] (died)
3rd   B
12 (buried at sea from Carpathia) 5.00
Longley, Miss Gretchen Fiske 1st   10 10 5.00
Louch, Mrs Alice Adelaide 2nd   10
Lowe, Mr Harold Godfrey D 5th Officer   14 14 5.00
Lucas, Mr William V Saloon Steward A 14 5.00
Lucas, Mr William A. D Able Seaman   D 12 5.00
Lulic, Mr Nikola 3rd   15? 15? 2.63
Lundin, Miss Olga Elida 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Lundström, Mr Thure Edvin 3rd   4 4 2.89
Lurette, Miss Eugenie Elise
     [maid to Mrs Spencer]
1st   ? ? 1.00
Lyons, Mr William Henry (died) D Able Seaman   4 (from sea) 4 (buried at sea from Carpathia) 5.00
Mackay, Mr Charles Donald V Saloon Steward 11 11 5.00
Madigan, Miss Margaret 3rd   4
Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra 1st   2 2 5.00
Madsen, Mr Fridtjof Arne 3rd   13 13 5.00
Maioni, Miss Roberta Elizabeth Mary
    [maid to the Countess of Rothes]
1st   8 8 5.00
Major, Mr William James E Fireman 13 13 5.00
Mallet, Master André Gilbert Clement [child] 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Mallet, Mrs Antonine Marie 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Mamee, Mr Hanna 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Mannion, Miss Margaret 3rd   13 13 4.00
Maréchal, Mr Pierre 1st   7 7 5.00
Marsden, Miss Evelyn V Stewardess 16
Martin, Miss Mabel Elvina V 2nd Cashier 6 6 5.00
Martin, Mr Frank (per ET, Henry Reginald Lee) V Scullion ? ? 1.00
Marvin, Mrs Mary Graham Carmichael 1st   D D 2.28
Mason, Mr Frank Archibald Robert E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Mauge, Mr Paul Achille Maurice Germain V Kitchen Clerk   13
13 or 15
13 or 15
Maynard, Mr Isaac Hiram V Entreé Cook   B 12 5.00
Mayné, Mlle Berthe Antonine
    [booked as Mme. De Villiers]
1st   6 6 5.00
Mayzes, Mr Thomas A. E Fireman ? ? 1.00
McCarthy, Miss Catherine 3rd   15 15 3.00
McCarthy, Mr William D Able Seaman   4 4 5.00
McCormack, Mr Thomas Joseph 3rd   ? ? 1.00
McCoy, Miss Alice 3rd   10 (5 votes)
12 (2 votes)
? (5 votes)
10 (5 votes)
12 (2 votes)
? (5 votes)
McCoy, Miss Catherine Agnes 3rd   10 (5 votes)
12 (2 votes)
? (5 votes)
10 (5 votes)
12 (2 votes)
? (5 votes)
McCoy, Mr Bernard 3rd   10 (4 votes)
12 (1 votes)
? (5 votes)
10 (4 votes)
12 (1 votes)
? (5 votes)
McDermott, Miss Bridget Delia 3rd   ? ? 1.00
McGann, Mr James E Trimmer Collapsible B

4 or 12
McGough, Mr George Francis (Paddy) D Able Seaman   9 9 5.00
McGough, Mr James Robert 1st   7
5 or 7
5 (to 7)
5 or 7
7 (from 5)
McGovern, Miss Mary 3rd   13 13 4.06
McGowan, Miss Annie 3rd   9 (6 votes)
? (3 votes)
9 (6 votes)
? (3 votes)
McIntyre, Mr William E Trimmer A 14 5.00
McLaren, Mrs Harriet V Stewardess 5 5 3.06
McMicken, Mr Arthur David V Saloon Steward 11 11 5.00
Mellinger, Miss Madeleine Violet 2nd   14 12 4.80
Mellinger, Mrs Elizabeth Anne 2nd   14 12 4.80
Mellors, Mr William John 2nd   A 14 5.00
Meyer, Mrs Leila G. 1st   6 6 5.00
Midtsjø, Mr Karl Albert 3rd   12 12 1.75
Mills, Mr Christopher V Assistant Butcher C C 2.05
Minahan, Miss Daisy 1st   14 10 4.80
Minahan, Mrs Lillian E. 1st   14 10 4.80
Mock, Mr Philipp Edmund 1st   11 11 5.00
Mockler, Miss Ellen Mary 3rd   D or 15
13 or 15
D or 15
13 or 15
Moor, Master Meier [child] 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Moor, Mrs Beila 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Moore, Mr George Alfred D Able Seaman   3 3 5.00
Moore, Mr John J. E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Moran, Miss Bertha Bridget 3rd   15 15 5.00
Morris, Mr Frank Herbert V Bathroom Steward 14 14 5.00
Moss, Mr Albert Johan 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Moussa, Mrs Mantoura 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Mubarik, Master Gerios Youssef [child] 3rd   14

Collapsible D
Mubarik, Master Halim Gonios [child] 3rd   14

Collapsible D
Mubarik, Mrs Mefcosika Amenia 3rd   14

Mullen, Miss Katherine 3rd   10 10 3.94
Mulvihill, Miss Bertha Elizabeth 
    [born Bridget Elizabeth Mulvihill] 
3rd   15 15 5.00
Murdock, Mr William John E Fireman C
Murphy, Miss Catherine 3rd   10
14 trans to 10
14 trans to 10
Murphy, Miss Margaret Jane 3rd   10
14 trans to 10
14 trans to 10
Murphy, Miss Norah 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Muslamani, Miss Fatimah
    [WS List as Mustmani Fat-ma] 
3rd   ? ? 1.00
Nackid, Miss Maria [child] 3rd   ? (2 votes)
C or D (6 votes)
? (2 votes)
C or D (6 votes
Nackid, Mr Sahid 3rd   ? (2 votes)
C or D (6 votes
? (2 votes)
C or D (6 votes
Nackid, Mrs Wadia 3rd   ? (2 votes)
C or D (6 votes
? (2 votes)
C or D (6 votes
Nasser, Mrs Adele 2nd   4
Navratil, Master Edmond Roger
    [booked as Master Hoffman] [child]
2nd   D D 5.00
Navratil, Master Michel Marcel
    [booked as Master Hoffman] [child]
2nd   D D 5.00
Neal, Mr Henry V Assistant Baker 13 13 5.00
Newell, Miss Madeleine 1st   6 (8 votes)
5 (2 votes)
6 (8 votes)
5 (2 votes)
Newell, Miss Marjorie Anne
    [listed as (her sister) Alice]
1st   6 (8 votes)
5 (2 votes)
6 (8 votes)
5 (2 votes)
Newsom, Miss Helen Monypeny 1st   5 5 5.00
Nichols, Mr Walter Henry V Assistant Steward 15 15 5.00
Nilsson, Miss Berta Olivia 3rd   C C 3.28
Nilsson, Miss Helmina Josefina 3rd   15 (8 votes)
13 or 15 (1 vote)
15 (8 votes)
13 or 15 (1 vote)
Niskänen, Mr Juha 3rd   9, 11, 13, 15
11 or 15
9, 11, 13, 15
11 or 15
2.50 h
Noss, Mr Henry E Fireman 15 15 5.00
Nourney, Mr Alfred [booked to travel
    2nd Class as the Baron von Drachstedt]
1st   7 7 5.00
Nutbean, Mr William E Fireman 4 4 4.00
Nye, Mrs Elizabeth 2nd   11
Nysten, Miss Anna Sofia 3rd   13 13 4.11
O'Brien, Mrs Johanna 3rd   ? ? 1.00
O'Connor, Mr John E Trimmer B 4 or 12 4.33
O'Dwyer, Miss Ellen 3rd   10 10 4.83
Öhman, Miss Velin 3rd   ? ? 1.00
O'Keefe, Mr Patrick 3rd   B 4 or 12 5.00
O'Leary, Miss Hanorah 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Oliva y Ocaña, Doña Fermina
    [maid to Mrs Peñasco y Castellana]
1st   8 8 5.00
Oliver, Mr Henry E Fireman 9 9 4.75
Olliver, Mr Alfred D Quartermaster   5 5 5.00
Olsen, Master Arthur Carl [child] 3rd   13 13 5.00
Olsson, Mr Oscar Wilhelm 3rd   A (6 votes)
B (2 votes)
A or B (1 vote)
14 (6 votes)
4 or 12 (2 votes)
4 or 12 or 14 (1)
Omont, Mr Alfred Fernand 1st   7 7 5.00
Osman, Mr Frank D Able Seaman   2 2 5.00
Ostby, Miss Helen Ragnhild 1st   5 5 5.00
Othen, Mr Charles Edward E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Oxenham, Mr Percy Thomas 2nd   13 13 4.25
Padrón Manent, Mr Julian 2nd   9 9 1.67
Padrón Manent, Mrs Florentina [booked under her maiden name of Duran y Moré] 2nd   12 12 1.71
Pallás y Castelló, Mr Emilio 2nd   9 9 1.67
Parrish, Mrs Lucinda Davis 2nd   10 (5 votes)
12 (4 votes)
10 (5 votes)
12 (4 votes)
Pascoe, Mr Charles H. D Able Seaman   8 8 3.94
Pearce, Mr John E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Pearcey, Mr Albert Victor V Pantry Steward C C 5.00
Pears, Mrs Edith 1st   8 8 5.00
Pelham, Mr George E Trimmer 15 15 5.00
Peñasco y Castellana, Mrs Maria Josefa 1st   8 8 5.00
Perkis, Mr Walter John D Quartermaster   4 4 5.00
Perreault, Miss Mary Anne [maid to Mrs Hays] 1st   13 13 3.44
Perry, Mr Edgar Lionel E Trimmer ? ? 1.00
Persson, Mr Ernst Ulrik 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Peters, Mr William Chapman D Able Seaman   9 9 5.00
Peuchen, Major Arthur Godfrey 1st   6 6 5.00
Pfropper, Mr Richard V Saloon Steward 9 9 5.00
Phillimore, Mr Harold Charles William V Saloon Steward 14 (from sea) 14 5.00
Phillips, Miss Alice Frances Louisa 2nd   12 12 5.00
Phillips, Miss Kate Louise
    [booked as Mrs Marshall]
2nd   11? 11? 1.19
Pinsky, Mrs Rosa 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Pitman, Mr Herbert John D 3rd Officer   5 5 5.00
Podesta, Mr John Alexander E Fireman 4 4 3.28
Poingdestre, Mr John Thomas D Able Seaman   12 12 5.00
Port, Mr Frank V Steward ? ? 1.00
Portaluppi, Mr Emilio Ilario Giuseppe 2nd   ?
Potter, Mrs Lily Alexenia 1st   7 7 5.00
Prangnell, Mr George Alexander E Greaser ? ? 1.00
Prentice, Mr Frank Winnold V Storekeeper 4 4 5.00
Prichard, Mrs Alice V Stewardess 14 ? 4.86
Priest, Mr Arthur John E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Prior, Mr Harold John V Steward ? ? 1.00
Pugh, Mr Alfred V Steward 14 14 5.00
Pusey, Mr Robert William E Fireman 1 1 5.00
Qiyamah, Miss Adal Zajib
    [WS List as Adele Jane Vagil]
3rd   ? ? 1.00
Quick, Miss Phyllis May [child] 2nd   11 11 4.93
Quick, Miss Winifred Vera [child] 2nd   11 11 4.93
Quick, Mrs Jane 2nd   11 11 4.93
Ranger, Mr Thomas G. E Greaser 4 4 5.00
Ray, Mr Frederick Dent V Saloon Steward 13 13 5.00
Renouf, Mrs Lillian Elizabeth 2nd   12 12 5.00
Reynaldo, Mrs Encarnación 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Rheims, Mr George Alexander Lucien 1st   A 14 5.00
Rice, Mr Charles E Fireman 10 10 5.00
Richards, Master Sibley George [infant] 2nd   4 4 4.28
Richards, Master William Rowe [child] 2nd   4 4 4.28
Richards, Mrs Emily 2nd   4 4 4.28
Ridsdale, Miss Lucy 2nd   13
Riordan, Miss Hannah 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Robert, Mrs Elisabeth Walton 1st   2 2 5.00
Roberts, Mrs Mary Keziah V
11 11 4.17
Robinson, Mrs Annie V Stewardess 11 11 5.00
Romaine, Mr Charles Hallace
    [booked as Charles Rolmane]
1st   15 15 4.89
Rosenbaum, Miss Edith Louise (Russell) 1st   11 11 5.00
Ross, Mr Horace Leopold V Scullion ? ? 1.00
Roth, Miss Sarah A. 3rd   C C 2.89
Rothes, Lucy-Noël Martha,
    the Countess of Rothes
1st   8 8 5.00
Rothschild, Mrs Elizabeth Jane Anne 1st   6 6 5.00
Rowe, Mr George Thomas D Quartermaster   C C 5.00
Rugg, Miss Emily 2nd   12 12 5.00
Rule, Mr Samuel James V Bathroom Steward 15 15 5.00
Ryan, Mr Edward 3rd   14 (7 votes)
13 (5 votes)
14 (1 votes)
10 (7 votes)
13 (5 votes)
14 (1 votes)
Ryerson, Miss Emily Borie 1st   4 4 5.00
Ryerson, Miss Suzette Parker 1st   4 4 5.00
Ryerson, Mr John Borie 1st   4 4 5.00
Ryerson, Mr William Edwy V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Ryerson, Mrs Emily Maria 1st   4 4 5.00
Saalfeld, Mr Adolphe 1st   3 3 2.00
Sägesser, Mlle Emma Marie
    [maid to Mme. Aubart]
1st   9 9 5.00
Salkjelsvik, Miss Anna Kristine 3rd   C C 1.43
Salomon, Mr Abraham Lincoln 1st   1 1 5.00
Sandström, Miss Beatrice Irene [child] 3rd   13 13 4.11
Sandström, Miss Marguerite Rut [child] 3rd   13 13 4.11
Sandström, Mrs Agnes Charlotta 3rd   13 13 4.11
Sap, Mr Julius 3rd   ? (8 votes)
11 (2 votes)

? (8 votes)
11 (2 votes)

Savage, Mr Charles James V Steward ? ? 1.00
Scarrott, Mr Joseph George D Able Seaman   14 14 5.00
Schabert, Mrs Emma 1st   11 11 5.00
Scheerlinck, Mr Jean Baptiste 3rd   ? (8 votes)
11 (2 votes)
? (8 votes)
11 (2 votes)
Scott, Mr Frederick William E Greaser 4 4 5.00
Self, Mr Edward E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Senior, Mr Henry E Fireman B
4 or 12
Serreplan, Miss Augustine [maid to Mrs Carter] 1st   4 4 5.00
Seward, Mr Frederic Kimber 1st   7 7 5.00
Seward, Mr Wilfred Deable V Chief Pantry Steward 3 3 5.00
Sheath, Mr Frederick E Trimmer 1 1 5.00
Shelley, Mrs Imanita 2nd   10 (5 votes)
12 (4 votes)
10 (5 votes)
12 (4 votes)
Shiers, Mr Alfred Charles E Fireman 5 5 5.00
Shine, Miss Ellen 3rd   C
C or D
C or D
2 .00
Shute, Miss Elizabeth Weed
    [governess to Miss Graham]
1st   3 3 5.00
Siebert, Mr Sidney Conrad (died) V Bedroom Steward 4 (from sea) 4 (buried at sea from Carpathia) 5.00
Silvén, Miss Lyyli Karoliina 2nd   12 12 4.72
Silverthorne, Mr Spencer Victor 1st   5
Silvey, Mrs Alice Gray 1st   11 11 4.00
Simmons, Mr Andrew V Scullion ? ? 1.00
Simonius-Blumer, Colonel Alfons 1st   ?
Sincock, Miss Maude J. 2nd   D D 5.00
Sinkkonen, Miss Anna 2nd   ? ? 1.00
Sjöblom, Miss Anna Sofia 3rd   13 13 1.94
Slayter, Miss Hilda Mary 2nd   13 13 5.00
Sloan, Miss Mary V Stewardess 4 (6 votes)
D (2 votes)

Slocombe, Mrs Maud Louise V Turkish Bath Attendant   11 11 5.00
Sloper, Mr William Thompson 1st   7 7 5.00
Smith, Miss Katherine Elizabeth V Stewardess 14 to ? 14 to ? 2.69
Smith, Miss Mary Ann
    [booked as Miss Marion Smith]
2nd   ? ? 1.00
Smith, Mrs Mary Eloise 1st   6 6 5.00
Smyth, Miss Julia 3rd   13
Snow, Mr Eustace Philip E Trimmer B 4 or 12 5.00
Snyder, Mr John Pillsbury 1st   7 7 5.00
Snyder, Mrs Nelle 1st   7 7 5.00
Sparkman, Mr James Henry J. E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Spedden, Master Robert Douglas [child] 1st   3 3 5.00
Spedden, Mr Frederic Oakley 1st   3 3 5.00
Spedden, Mrs Margaretta Corning 1st   3 3 5.00
Spencer, Mrs Marie Eugenie 1st   ? ? 1.00
Stähelin-Maeglin, Dr Max 1st   ?
Stanley, Miss Amy Zillah Elsie 3rd   13 (9 votes)
15 (1 vote)
13 (9 votes)
15 (1 vote)
Stap, Miss Sarah Agnes V Stewardess 11 11 3.81
Stengel, Mr Charles Emil Henry 1st   1 1 5.00
Stengel, Mrs Annie May 1st   5 5 5.00
Stephenson, Mrs Martha 1st   4 4 5.00
Stewart, Mr John V Verandah Cafe Steward   15 15 5.00
Stone, Mrs Martha Evelyn 1st   6 6 5.00
Strandén, Mr Juho Niilosson 3rd   15
11 or 15
9, 11, 13, 15
11 or 15
9, 11, 13, 15
Street, Mr Thomas Albert E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Sunderland, Mr Victor Francis 3rd   B

4 or 12
Sundman, Mr Johan Julian 3rd   15 15 2.50
Svensson, Mr Johan Cervin 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Swift, Mrs Margaret Welles 1st   8 8 5.00
Symons, Mr George Thomas Macdonald D Lookout   1 1 5.00
Tannous, Master Essed Iskandar
    [WS List as Assad Thomas] [infant]
3rd   11 11 4.43
Tannous, Mrs Thamine
    [WS List as Tamin Thomas]
3rd   13 13 4.00
Taussig, Miss Ruth 1st   8 8 5.00
Taussig, Mrs Tillie 1st   8 8 5.00
Taylor, Mr Elmer Zebley 1st   5 5 5.00
Taylor, Mr James E Fireman 1 1 5.00
Taylor, Mr William Henry E Fireman 15 15 5.00
Taylor, Mrs Juliet Cummins 1st   5 5 5.00
Tenglin, Mr Gunnar Isidor 3rd   15
Terrell, Mr Frank Robert V Assistant Steward ? ? 1.00
Thayer, Mr John Borland Jr 1st   B 12 5.00
Thayer, Mrs Marian Longstreth 1st   4 4 5.00
Theissinger, Mr Alfred V Bedroom Steward A (to 14)
14 (from A)
Thomas, Mr Albert Charles V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Thomas, Mr Benjamin James V Saloon Steward 15 15 4.00
Thompson, Mr John William E Fireman A 14 5.00
Thorne, Mrs Gertrude Mabelle
    [booked as Mrs George Thorne]
1st   D D 5.00
Thorneycroft, Mrs Florence Kate 3rd   10 10 5.00
Threlfall, Mr Thomas E Leading Fireman 14 14 5.00
Thresher, Mr George Terrill E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Toms, Mr Francis A. V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Toomey, Miss Ellen Mary 2nd   9 9 5.00
Törnqvist, Mr William Henry 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Trembisky, Mr Berk [assumed the name
    Berk Pickard while in France]
3rd   ? (5 votes)
aft star (3 votes)
9 (1 vote)
? (5 votes)
aft star (3 votes)
9 (1 vote)
Triggs, Mr Robert V. E Fireman ? ? 1.00
Trout, Mrs Jessie L. 2nd   9 9 5.00
Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia 2nd   D D 4.64
Tucker, Mr Gilbert Milligan Jr 1st   7 7 5.00
Tuoma, Master Gerios
    [WS List as Georges Youssef] [child]
3rd   ? ? 1.00
Tuoma, Miss Marianna
    [WS List as Maria Youssef] [child]
3rd   ? ? 1.00
Tuoma, Mrs Anna [WS List as Hanne Youssef] 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Turja, Miss Anna Sofia 3rd   13? 13? 2.00
Turkula, Mrs Hedvig 3rd   ? (8 votes)
9? (1 votes)
? (8 votes)
9? (1 votes)
Vartanian, Mr Dawud 3rd   A 14 3.13
Vigott, Mr Philip Francis D Able Seaman   13 13 4.63
Wallcroft, Miss Ellen 2nd   14 10 5.00
Ward, Miss Anna Moore [maid to Mrs Cardeza] 1st   3 3 4.75
Ward, Mr William V Saloon Steward 9 9 5.00
Ware, Mrs Florence Louise 2nd   10 10 2.81
Warren, Mrs Anna Sophia Bates 1st   5 5 5.00
Watt, Miss Robertha Josephine 2nd   9 9 5.00
Watt, Mrs Elizabeth Inglis 2nd   9 9 5.00
Webber, Miss Susan 2nd   10 (7 votes)
10 or 12 (2 vtes)
10 (7 votes)
10 or 12 (2 vtes)
Weikman, Mr August Henry
    [signed on as A. H. Whiteman]
V Barber A 14 5.00
Weisz, Mrs Mathilde Françoise 2nd   ? (7 votes)
12 (1 vote)
? (7 votes)
12 (1 vote)
Weller, Mr William Clifford D Able Seaman   7 7 5.00
Wells, Master Ralph Lester [child] 2nd   13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)

13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)

Wells, Miss Joan [child] 2nd   13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)
13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)
Wells, Mrs Addie Dart 2nd   13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)
13 (7 votes)
16 (1 vote)
? (1 vote)
West, Miss Barbara Joyce [infant] 2nd   11 11 4.75
West, Miss Constance Miriam [child] 2nd   11 11 4.75
West, Mrs Ada Mary 2nd   11 11 4.75
Whabee, Mrs Shawneene [WS List as Georges Shabini] 3rd   12 (8 votes)
14 (2 votes)
12 or C (1 vote)
12 (8 votes)
14 (2 votes)
12 or C (1 vote)
Wheat, Mr Joseph Thomas V Assistant Second Steward   11 11 5.00
Wheelton, Mr Edneser Edward V Saloon Steward 11 11 5.00
Whilems, Mr Charles 2nd   9
9 or 11
9 or 11
White, Mr Alfred Thomas E Greaser 4 4 3.39
White, Mr William George E Trimmer ? ? 1.00
White, Mrs Ella Bertha 1st   8 8 5.00
Whiteley, Mr Thomas Arthur V Saloon Steward B 4 or 12
Wick, Miss Mary Natalie 1st   8 8 5.00
Wick, Mrs Mary J. 1st   8 8 5.00
Widener, Mrs Eleanor A. 1st   4 4 5.00
Widgery, Mr James George (Isaac) V Bathroom Steward 9 9 5.00
Wilkes, Mrs Ellen 3rd   ? ? 1.00
Wilkinson, Mrs Elizabeth Anne
    [booked as Mrs Faunthorpe]
2nd   D D 4.17
Willard, Miss Constance Beatrice 1st   ? ? 1.00
Williams, Mr Charles Eugene 2nd   14 14 5.00
Williams, Mr Richard Norris Jr 1st   A 14 5.00
Williams, Mr Walter John V Assistant Steward 13 13 5.00
Wilson, Miss Helen Alice [maid to Mrs Spedden] 1st   3 3 5.00
Windebank, Mr Alfred Edgar V Sauce Cook [substitute – signed on as an Assistant Cook] 2? 8? 2? 8? 2.28
Witter, Mr James William Cheetham V Smoke Room Steward 11 11 5.00
Woolner, Mr Hugh 1st   D D 5.00
Wright, Miss Marion 2nd   9 9 5.00
Wright, Mr William George V Glory Hole Steward   13 13 5.00
Wynn, Mr Walter D Quartermaster   9 9 5.00
Yarred, Master Elias
    [booked as Elias Nicola] [child]
3rd   D? D? 2.00
Yarred, Miss Jamila [booked as Jamila Nicola] 3rd   D? D? 2.00
Yazbak, Mrs Silanah 3rd   14 D 4.00
Yearsley, Mr Henry Frankes V Saloon Steward ? ? 1.00
Young, Miss Marie Grice 1st   8 8 5.00
Youssef, Master Makhkhul
    [WS List as Mike Peter] [child]
3rd   ? ? 1.00
Youssef, Miss Marianna
    [WS List as Anna Peter] [child]
3rd   C? C? 2.06
Youssef, Mrs Katarin
    [WS List as Catherine Joseph Peter]
3rd   C? C? 2.06