Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Weisz, Mrs Mathilde Françoise

? (7 votes)

12 (1 vote)

? (7 votes)

12 (1 vote)




According to the article “Heroic Priests Who Went Down with Titanic” (from The Catholic News, April 27, 1912), reprinted in Commutator #194, Mrs Weisz was one of those taken to St. Vincent’s Hospital when the Carpathia reached New York.

From The Standard, May 25, 1912:
    "You can imagine how I felt when I was put into a small boat, and when we went away.  ....  We were eight hours on the water in the bitter cold, but in good hopes of seeing our husbands at the other end."

In an interview apparently taken from the Montreal Star in April of 1932, she states she was in the last boat to leave the ship, but also in the one that rescued Lightoller (and no one else to hear her tell it).  There are many inconsistencies in survivors statements of "the last boat" - last to leave on one side or the other, last boat to leave Titanic, or the last one in line in one quadrant of the lifeboats, so unfortunately that doesn't give us enough detail.

Other uncredited sources suggest she may have been in lifeboat #10, however, we've found nothing to support this.

One of our team felt that she possibly could have been in #12, which picked up Lightoller from Collapsible B, though the rest of us felt we didn't have enough information to pick a lifeboat.