Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Dymond, Mr Frank 15 15 5.00
Fredericks, Mr Walter Francis 15 15 5.00
Noss, Mr Henry 15 15 5.00


Frank Dymond, Daily Mirror, May 14, 1912:
    "One of the most thrilling narratives of the Titanic disaster is that of Frank Dymond, an ex-Navy man, who was placed in charge of boat No. 15....
   'I had my left hand on the tiller, and could not move to use my right instead. Noss sometimes relieved me with his left hand. Even now my left hand goes numb sometimes. I could not feel with it on the Carpathia.
    I had nothing on at all but a flannel sweater and dungaree pants. A spare sweater I had tucked in my belt I gave to a little trimmer named Fredericks beside me to put round his neck, Fred Barrett, in 13, was the same.'"

British Inquiry
Testimony of George Cavell
    4373. Who took charge of it [15]? - One of the firemen.
    4374. What is his name? – Diamond [Dymond].