Name |
Lifeboat from Titanic |
Lifeboat to Carpathia |
Confidence Level |
Niskänen, Mr Juha | 9,
11, 13, 15 (2 votes) 15 (2 votes) 11 or 15 (5 votes) |
11, 13, 15 (2 votes) 15 (2 votes) 11 or 15 (5 votes) |
2.50 2.00 |
Strandén, Mr Juho Niilosson | 9,
11, 13, 15 (2 votes) 15 (2 votes) 11 or 15 (5 votes) |
11, 13, 15 (2 votes) 15 (2 votes) 11 or 15 (5 votes) |
2.50 2.00 |
From The Titanic Commutator #106 (Vol 13 No.2), "The Finnish Emigrants on the Titanic": "At 12:05 A.M,, twenty-five minutes after the collision, Captain Smith ordered Chief Officer Wilde to uncover the lifeboats and First Officer Murdoch to muster the passengers. John Niskanen and Johan Stranden tried to help in lowering a lifeboat on the starboard side of the ship, but were told not to interfere. However, as the boat was ready they followed the crew’s example and entered it; the other passengers of their boat were mainly women." From Finska Amerikanaren, April 23rd 1912: "He and John Strandén hurried up to the boat deck on the starboard side, where they happened to get to a lifeboat just as it was being made ready by some ten crewmen. They assisted in the work, even though they were told not to interfere. When the boat was ready the crew men jumped in and Niskânen and Strandén soon followed their example. The boat was mainly filled with women. It pulled away at 1.30am." The text for the Commutator article was based upon interviews given in the Finnish press during April and May 1912. In addition, a number of other articles said the men left the Titanic at 1.30am, at variance with the source used by the Commutator. Given that a large number of crew were able to enter the boat, it was felt that this must have been one of the aft boats on the starboard side; 9, 11, 13 or 15. It was felt that without additional information it is impossible to be more certain about a specific boat. We could not agree on which of these boats, hence we have votes for three different sets of lifeboats. |