Name |
Lifeboat from Titanic |
Lifeboat to Carpathia |
Confidence Level |
Turkula, Mrs Hedvig |
(8 votes) 9? (1 vote) |
(8 votes) 9? (1 vote) |
1.00 2.00 |
Hibbing Daily Tribune (Minnesota), April 26, 1912. "'Mrs. Turkala was handed into the boat by a minor officer. She says he had been drinking, and her impression is that he was in an advanced state of intoxication. She did not see him again.'” Duluth Herald, April 26th 1912: "Mrs Turkula tells a thrilling story of the awful experience on the Titanic, on which she had third class passage. She says she was saved through the action of fellow countryman Ina Luntquist, who brought her from the third class part of the ship to the boat deck and saw that she was put into a lifeboat. She says the petty officer who helped her into the lifeboat had been drinking and she plainly smelled liquor on his breath. The boat in which she was placed was only half filled. .... She says the man who helped her to the lifeboat was saved after being in the water for several hours and she rejoiced to greet him on the Carpathia." From the Finnish paper Työmies Magazine, April 28th 1912: "When she heard the crash, she got up immediately, and as she had her rug and skirt on, she only had to put a shawl around her shoulders and went up on deck to see what had caused it. There she was immediately put on a lifeboat." Most of us felt "unknown lifeboat" was the only choice we could make, however, one of us said "I suspect it was an aft boat. Since it didn't tie up to others, and had room for perhaps a third more, I'll choose #9 with a 2.00". |