Name |
Lifeboat from Titanic |
Lifeboat to Carpathia |
Confidence Level |
Jussila, Mr Eiriik |
(6 votes) 15 (5 votes) |
4, 10, 12, Coll. D 15 |
2.00 2.00 |
The Daily Independent, April 23, 1912, interview with Eino Lindqvist: "My friend, Jussila, was called upon to row one of the boats and I was left alone on deck. .... I wandered about for half an hour and came upon Mr. Hakkarien .... together we watched the last boat put off." Västra Nyland, May 14, 1912: "Erik Jussila, about 40 years old.... As he got up, he noticed water billowing on the floor. With the utmost urgency, he rushed into the cabin up on the deck, shouting; "Ship sinking". On the deck it was a terrible life. When Jussila jumped in the lifeboat, they had tried to shoot him, but he was nevertheless saved." Hufvudstadsbladet, May 15, 1912: "Erik Jussila, a 32-year-old man from Elimäki, who was ill at St Vincents Hospital, had mentioned that he was already asleep when the collision occurred. Admittedly, he woke up from the shock, but was sleepy and would have fallen asleep again, if not for a comrade, John Niskanen, who slept in the cabin next door, who rushed in and called for him to rise to "see their own death.” He hurried out of the cabin and up to the deck and saw high icebergs on both sides of the bow. He described his attempts to gain a seat in a rescue boat, where he was threatened with a revolver by one of Titanic's officers. He held firmly to a bench in the lifeboat and resisted every eviction attempt. Jussilla sat with his back facing the ship and worked constantly with one of the oars; couldn't see when Titanic was sinking. At 7 am, they were rescued by Carpathia." Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsingfors, Apr. 1912: "He was not allowed to enter the three first boats he tried to find a place in, but later managed to jump into the fifth. He climbed onto the railing and was about to jump when two crewmen tried to prevent him, thinking he would endanger the lowering of the boat. Jussila managed to get away from them and fell into the boat. In the end he was placed at an oar and rowed all night, his back to the Titanic. His boat held some 70 people, men and women, and Jussila was the only Finn in the boat. They were picked up by the Carpathia at 7 in the morning." The Lindqvist account tells us that Jussila did not leave in one of the later boats, such as Collapsibles C or D, but some time before the end. The reference to being threatened by an officer, or they tried to shoot him, could either be referring to Lowe at #14, or Murdoch at #15, who reportedly had his gun in his hand at #15 according to a crew member. We were split as to which of these boats Jussila left Titanic in. |