Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Jalševac, Mr Ivan 15 15 3.93
Karun, Mr Franz 15 15 3.93
Karun, Miss Manca 15 15 3.93


Galesburg Mail, April 25, 1912:
“ Ivan Jaalasovich, who was one of the passengers on the Titanic, and who in company with Frank Kurun of this city, escaped from the ill-fated steamer, started this morning on the return trip to his home in Agram, Austria, and before leaving today expressed to a Mail reporter his firm intention of remaining on the other side of the Atlantic the rest of his life.
    ....He stated that when he found the ship was sinking, that he had almost given up any hope of being saved, but that one of the lifeboats was being lowered past the deck where he was standing he decided to take a chance, and leaping over the railing, jumped into the boat.  Those in the boat, which was already filled, made room for him and he was pressed into service at the oars." 

Mr. Karun,
Galesburg Republican Register, 23 April 1912:
    “There was a life boat lowered and I think that it was the last one put down. They put my little girl down first, letting her down with a rope. Then they let me down. I do not know why they did this, perhaps it was because it was the last boat and there was still room for somebody.”

Karun's story immediately above is seemingly confirmed by Frank Dymond's Daily Mirror May 17, 1912 account.  Dymond was in #15.
    "Yes Dymond mentioned them: 'There had been a lot of trouble keeping men out of the boat before she left the boat-deck. A foreigner came up with a child in his arms and we tried to get the child from him to put-in the boat, but he would not give it up. At last we took him too. We did not know till afterwards that it was his own child.'"

Steward John Hart in #15, also confirmed it at the British Inquiry:
    10002. Twenty-two women and three children? - The boat was then lowered to A deck. We there took in about five women, three children, and one man. He had a baby in his arms.

According to the Galesburg (Illinois) Daily Republican Register of April 22, 1912, Karun was in St. Vincent's Hospital after the arrival of the Carpathia . He was still there at the time of the article, but his family had heard from him and said he was five hours on a raft before being picked up.  In a 1960 interview in an unidentified Detroit newspaper his daughter Manca said her father put her in a boat, and then swam to it after it was on the water for a few hours. She cried and begged for them to let him aboard until they relented and he was taken out of the water.

Given the two stories - that Karun put his daughter into a lifeboat, and then either climbed into the lifeboat, or  jumped in the sea, and climbed into the same lifeboat, we definitely accepted the version where he climbed in.  We could find no other accounts than the above, that he was in the water.  However, we were not confident enough
of #15 to give him a higher rating.  Also, we cannot be positive that the Karuns and Jalševac entered the same lifeboat.