Name |
Lifeboat from Titanic |
Lifeboat to Carpathia |
Confidence Level |
Candee, Mrs Helen Churchill | 6 | 6 | 5.00 |
Archibald Gracie's The Truth About the Titanic contains Mrs. Candee's account. We read: "As she got into boat No. 6, it being dark and not seeing where she stepped, her foot encountered the oars lying lengthwise in the boat and her ankle was thus twisted and broken." Mrs. Candee, later in her account, references Quartermaster Hichens by name. In addition to her statements about Hichens conduct, she says "When our boat came alongside No. 16, Hitchens immediately ordered the boats lashed together. He resigned the helm and settled down to rest." We know #6 and #16 tied up together for a time. |