Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Wright, Miss Marion 9 9 5.00


From the Titanic Commutator, Vol. 2 No. 21, Spring 1979:
    "Marion rushed from deck to the cabin occupied by Mr Watt and her daughter, and from there the three made their way to the boat deck. They arrived on the port side where they waited, and were joined by another friend, Dr Alfred Pain.
    While they continued to wait, he suggested they cross over to the starboard side. The four of them walked over, and as they arrived at the starboard boats, and heard the call, 'Any more ladies?'  coming from boat number 9. They rushed to the rail and the three ladies were helped in shortly before the boat was lowered to the water."

The Portland Oregonian, May 3rd 1912:
    "After a while the life boats were lowered and all the women were commanded to enter them. The boat I got into was the ninth. It was certified for 60 people, but although there were only 35 persons in the boat, many had to remain standing on account of lack of room.
    We expected to return to the ship when we started out, but were told later that the Titanic would go down: then we were anxious to get away from the suction. Two sailors and two stewards, a few men and some women were in our boat. I don’t know who they were."