Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Witter, Mr James William Cheetham 11 11 5.00
Rosenbaum, Miss Edith Louise 11 11 5.00


An 1955 account by Witter at says:
    "On my way to the upper deck I met the 2nd purser, who told me to clear the cabins of passengers and ensure that they all had lifebelts, this I did then carried on to the upper deck and stood by no. 11 boat where I assisted the women and children to get on board. As the boat was about to be lowered a hysterical woman tried to clamber in to the boat, so I stood on the guard rail to assist her in, as she half fell in to the boat I went in with her, the boat was then being lowered.
     The boat was very full with 50 women, 9 babies in arms, 4 male passengers and the rest of the crew a total of 71 persons….”

He goes on to mention a passenger who “carried with her a little Toy Pig which played a little melody when it's tail was turned, this amused the passengers immensely.”

Edith Rosenbaum carried the musical toy pig and thus was also in Lifeboat 11.