Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Clarke, Mrs Ada Maria 14 (8 votes)

  10 (2 votes)
transfer to D, 4, 10,  12 (8 votes)
10 (2 votes)
got into 14    4.25
  transfer to D, 4, 10, 12    2.21
10 no transfer   2.50


New York Herald, April 20th 1912:
"The men acted splendidly," said Mrs. Clarke. "The women refused to leave their husbands, but were actually forced to get into the boats. I was placed in boat 14. I saw the ship go down, and I plainly heard the water rushing into the funnels. My husband stood at the rail watching us, and I saw him distinctly as the ship went down. Some of the men were on their knees when the orchestra played ‘Nearer, My God to Thee,’ the strains of which we heard plainly."

Cleveland Plain Dealer, 20 April 1912:
Mrs. Clarke was one of the persons rescued from the last boat. “I was in one of three boats lashed together,” said Mrs. Clarke, “when one of the officers unlashed one of these and, taking all but two of the seamen, rowed off to rescue another boat in the distance which was crowded to the sinking point. ‘Be brave, women!” the officer said as they rowed away. And they were brave. The women and the two men manned the oars until we were rescued later. How long I don’t know, but it seemed many hours. We should have gone, unless they made us."

Mrs. Clarke does not mention being transferred out of boat #14 when it returned to pick up swimmers, which suggests the possibility that she might have been in one of the other "flotilla lifeboats" instead of boat #14 - perhaps lifeboat #10.  We did not agree on which boat she left Titanic in, nor did we agree on which boat she may have transfered to.