Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Hardy, Mr John T.
Collapsible D Collapsible D 5.00

American Inquiry
Testimony of John Hardy, pages 588-589
    Mr. HARDY. .... By that time all the starboard boats had gone, and I went over to the port side and assisted the ladies and children in getting into the boats, and finally I was working on deck until the last collapsible boat was launched.
    Senator FLETCHER. Where was that located?
    Mr. HARDY. Right forward, on the port side. We launched this filled with passengers. We launched the boat parallel with the ship's side, and Mr. Lightoller and myself, two sailors, and two firemen - the two sailors were rigging the poles and getting them in working order and Mr. Lightoller and myself loaded the boat. When the boat was full, Mr. Lightoller was in the boat with me; and the chief officer came along and asked if the boat was full, and he said yes. He said he would step out himself and make room for somebody else, and he stepped back on board the ship and asked if I could row. I told him I could, and I went away in that boat.
    We lowered away and got to the water, and the ship was then at a heavy list to port by the time we commenced to lower away.
    We got clear of the ship and rowed out some little distance from her, and finally we all got together, about seven boats of us, and I remember quite distinctly Boatswain Lowe telling us to tie up to each other, as we would be better seen and could keep better together. Then Officer Lowe, having a full complement of passengers in his boat, distributed among us what he had, our boat taking 10. We had 25 already, and that number made 35.

American Inquiry
Testimony of Arthur Bright, pages 833-834
    Senator SMITH.  On the port side?
    Mr. BRIGHT.  On the port side, right forward, close to the bridge.
    Senator SMITH.  And what was that, a collapsible?
    Mr. BRIGHT.  Yes; identically the same as the other one.
    Senator SMITH.  What did you do there?
    Mr. BRIGHT.  We got that one out and filled it up with passengers.
    Senator SMITH.  How many passengers; how many people?
    Mr. BRIGHT.  When the boat left the ship there were 25; all it would hold.
    Senator SMITH.  Did you count them?
    Mr. BRIGHT.  I did not count them then; but after we got away there was Mr. Lowe, the fourth officer, came alongside of us in another boat, and told us stick together, and then he asked the number in the boat, and there was a steward by the name of Hardy counted them and told him, and then they put ten or a dozen men into our boat because it was not filled up.