Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Cribb, Miss Laura Mae ? (4 votes)
4, D, 10,12 (1 vote)
10 (1 vote)
14 then ? (1 vote)
? (4 votes)
4, D, 10,12 (1 vote)
10 (1 vote)
14 then ? (1 vote)


Miss Cribb’s account written on April 18th, after she left St. Vincent’s (quoted in On Board RMS Titanic page 166)
    “Why, I saw one officer who stood on the second deck with his revolver in his hand and threatened to shoot any man who attempted to enter a boat before every woman was cared for.  And he shot 3..."
    Shortly after we left the third deck we were lowered in a lifeboat, all women and children except six members of the crew, and we pushed away far enough to be out of the suction zone...
    We were in the boat for nearly four hours before we were picked up by the four sailing vessels from the Titanic, which had been lashed together for greater safety.”

An unpublished account written in later years says:
    “Then we went through the Salon and up to the 1st Class staterooms and out on the deck where the life boats were ready to be lowered.  As soon as we appeared, and one officer came up to us and told Father to put the life belt on me, which he did at once, and then father told me to go and get as near to the life boats as I could... I was not able to get to the first two boats being lowered but was put into the third, but when we had been lowered about half way down, one of the pulley’s got stuck, and we all thought we should be overturned into the sea, but however it started working again just in time to prevent a calamity...
    We had a difficult time indeed getting away from the Titanic, but the sailors with the help of four females managed to get away from the gradually sinking ship...
    Since leaving my father I had not uttered one word, but as soon as the ship exploded I gave an awful shriek and fell unconscious.  When I became conscious again it was dawn and a more beautiful scene you would not have wished to see.  I asked how long I had been unconscious and was told nearly six hours...  After awhile the quartermaster (who was in charge of our boat) lifted me up a little and pointed the Carpathia to which we were rowing as quickly as possible... In about an hour and a half we reached it.”

From the Newark Star, 20 April 1912:
"There were thirty-five people in our boat, which was the fourth to leave the Titanic, and all but five, who were sailors sent to man the boat, were women."

Excerpt from a letter she wrote home to family, from The Bournemouth Echo, May 4th 1912:
    “I saw some struggling on a raft, and heard someone say it was the captain whom they were trying to make leave the ship and save himself, but he would not. They said the captain told the men who wanted to put him on to the raft that if he were compelled to go he would shoot himself, so they might as well let him go back to the ship.”

An article from Commutator #157, "Laura Mary Cribb: My Experience on the R.M.S. Titanic", originally written in May 1912, relates that she variously talks about a bosun’s mate in her lifeboat, but her later account says a quartermaster. 

Both the May 1912 and later in life accounts mention her being unconscious for about 6 hours.  Her two 1912 accounts both mention one or more people being shot by the officer loading the boat.  We know no one was shot at the after boats, but Lowe did threaten people at #14, and he did fire his gun, but not at anyone.

Her earliest account (and only that one) mentions “four sailing vessels from the Titanic, which had been lashed together for greater safety”, which would have to be Lowe’s Flotilla.  This would place her in 4, 10, 12, 14, or Collapsible D.  We know she was not in D, she doesn’t describe a collapsible.  The shooting (if she did see it) would indicate #14 or #12, the boat next to it.  She doesn’t indicate being transferred, so #14 is unlikely.  The bosun’s mate, Haines, was in #9.   Quartermasters, if that was accurate, could indicate Collapsible D.  But she stated that they rowed towards Carpathia which makes D unlikely.

We could not come to an agreement as to which lifeboat she escaped in.