Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Goldsmith, Mrs Emily Alice
Collapsible C Collapsible C 5.00
Goldsmith, Master Frank John William
Collapsible C Collapsible C 5.00

Emily Goldsmith gave the following account of her escape, in the Detroit Free Press on April 24, 1912:
    "The boats were swung off from the upper deck…The women and children were allowed to go up there and get in the boats. The men were kept on the deck below and had no chance to get in, although I think there was room for several of them. But the officers stood with drawn revolvers, which they used once or twice.
    Except when some of the foreign steerage passengers attempted to rush the boats, there was a little excitement…Several of these men forced their way to the upper deck and jumped into our lifeboat. But the officers were firm and drove them back. One of the men in our boat pointed his revolver at them and then fired three shots in the air. That brought them to their senses and as they evidently preferred a chance with the Titanic to certain death by shooting if they remained in the lifeboat, they scrambled back on the deck.
    Four Chinaman refused to get out, but crept down among the women and remained there. The officer did not dare fire at them for fear of hitting the women, and the boat was lowered with these four in it…
    …In our lifeboat there were about 30 women, five men and four Chinaman. The men were all part of the crew, I think. None of the women had to row in our boat.”

Mrs. Goldsmith also gave the following account, which was published in Michigan History, April 1997, pp. 36-37:
    “In the semi-darkness we ascended to the topmost deck and got into the lifeboat. It was the next to the last to leave, and as near as I can remember there were about 30 women, five members of the crew and four Chinese in the boat besides my boy. Among those saved were two Italian women and a girl whose wailings were terrible to hear. The descent into the water was the most terrifying part of all our experience, the lifeboat bumped against the side of the Titanic, and once so many people got on one side that it seemed the boat would turn over and spill us all into the sea.”

Emily’s son, Frank Goldsmith, was rescued in the same lifeboat as his mother.  In his account, published in the book Echoes in the Night: Memories of a Titanic Survivor, 1991, he also described an officer firing warning shots in the air, the collapsible he was in rubbing against the side of the ship on the way down, as well as the Chinese stowaways. 

Frank Goldsmith and his family have always insisted that he was rescued in Collapsible D.  However, the details given in both Emily and Frank Goldsmith’s accounts indicate that both were in fact rescued in Collapsible C.  Warning shots may have been fired at both boats, but due to the 10 degree port list at the time, only Collapsible C hung up against the hull of Titanic as it lowered, as mentioned in the accounts of numerous other survivors.  Collapsible D hung away from the ship.  Also, four Chinese stowaways were only in Collapsible C, mentioned by numerous other survivors.  None were present in Collapsible D.

Due to these details, we concluded with certainty that the Goldsmiths were rescued in Collapsible C.