Lifeboat from Titanic
Lifeboat to Carpathia
Confidence Level
Keane, Miss Hanora Agnes 10 10 4.75


Harrisburg Patriot, April 20, 1912:
    "I was fortunate to get out in the fourth or fifth boat that left.
    There was a foreigner of some kind ran from some part of the ship and jumped into our boat. No one saw him go. When we got into the boat we tramped over him for some time, but didn't see him or even know we were stepping on a human form. Later he proved of great use.
    He could handle the boat. After we rowed away from the ship we learned that he was in the boat and asked him if we hurt him when we walked over him. He said, 'No. Still living.' The boat had but one sailor in it and this man came in very useful in helping us work the boat. He did good work.
    In our boat were 55 persons.
    We were in that boat for eight and one half hours until the Carpathia picked us up. That was about day break.
    Two men floated by us. both of them had on life preservers. One of them drooped low in the water. He did not call. The other one called to us, 'Take me on.' It was almost an impossibility to do anything. Our boat barely floated.
    The man in charge said, 'Pull ahead.' And our boat started on.
    'Good-by,' the man in the water called. Then his head went down, a little later. He disappeared out of sight.
    The ship went down almost 100 yards from where our boat was.
    There were no lights in our boat. There also were no signs of food or water. There was nothing but the boat. One of the passengers had a small search light. He used this. Another had picked up a lantern from off the big ship. This was all the light we had. The boats were supposed to have lights and food. There was none there.
    We rode in that small boat for over eight hours in darkness. Sometimes we could hear voices out in the darkness. But that was not many times.
     Bodies drifted past us. Pieces of the wreck were around.

Harrisburg Patriot, April 23, 1912:
     "Several details of the scenes attending the wreck which had escaped her memory when first she told the story of her experiences to the Patriot were recalled yesterday. One was the number of the boat in which she escaped from the sinking ship.
     It was boat No. 10. First an officer and two men were put in it. The officer was then ordered out and two men, both green hands, were put in. Later one of these was ordered out. This left one man, a stoker, whom we believed was drunk.
     That stoker didn't care whether our boat kept right or not, and if it had not been for the foreigner we tramped on we would have been in a bad way."

Several of us were not completely convinced by Miss Keane's accounts, even though she said she was in #10.  Her statement of seeing two men floating by, and even calling to the lifeboat, is not confirmed by anyone else.  She also says one man was "ordered out", and we know two were (Evans and Buley).  Therefore, we did not give her a complete 5.00 for #10.