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Alphabetic Book Listings: E through L.

The list is sorted by author. If a book has no author it will be alphabetized by the first word in the title (excluding articles like A, An, The, etc.). Due to the extended length of the original Book List, it has been broken down into four pages, A to D, E to L, M to R, and S to Z.

Books will be identified as either hardbound or wraps in the description. Wraps copies can be either paperbacks or oversized softbound books.

Many of the author's names in these lists are links. Clicking on these names will bring up a separate Author Page. The Author Pages are where you will find the most information about books, including bibliographic data, content description, images of book covers, and even links to the author's websites, if available.



Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Falling Star. Misadventures of White Star Line Ships. 1st printing. Lon: Patrick Stephens. 1989. hardcover. isbn: 1852601272. scarcity: hard to find.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Falling Star. Misadventures of White Star Line Ships. 1st American printing. NY: WW Norton. 1990. hardcover. isbn: 0393028739. scarcity: fairly common.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic a Journey Through Time. 1st printing. Lon: Patrick Stephens. March, 1999. hardcover. isbn: 1852605758. scarcity: hard to find.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic a Journey Through Time. 1st American printing. NY: Norton. June, 1999. hardcover. isbn: 0393047822. scarcity: fairly common.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic Destination Disaster. The Legends and the Reality. 1st American printing. NY: W.W. Norton. 1987. wraps. isbn: 0393304922. scarcity: fairly common.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic Destination Disaster. The Legends and the Reality. 1st British printing. Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens. 1987. wraps. isbn: 0850598680. scarcity: hard to find.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic Destination Disaster. The Legends and the Reality. revised edition. NY: W.W. Norton. September, 1996. wraps. isbn: 0393315134. scarcity: fairly common.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic - The Exhibition. 1st printing. Lithograph Publishing. 1997. hardcover. isbn: 1882516060. scarcity: very scarce.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic - The Exhibition. 1st softcover printing. Lithograph Publishing. 1997. wraps. published for the Memphis Titanic Exhibition by Wonders. isbn: 1882516079. scarcity: scarce.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic - The Exhibition. 2nd printing. Lithograph Publishing. 1997. wraps. published for the Florida International Museum Exhibition by Wonders. isbn: 1882516079. scarcity: scarce.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic: The Story in Pictures. This was the working title for the book that became Titanic, Triumph & Tragedy. It was never released under The Story in Pictures title.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. 1st British printing. Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens. 1986. hardcover. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. 1st American printing. NY: Norton. 1986. hardcover. isbn: 039302380X. scarcity: fairly common.

Eaton, John P & Charles A. Haas. Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. 2nd edition. NY: Norton. 1995. hardcover. isbn: 0393036979. scarcity: common.

Eaton, Michael. Overcoming Fatal Attractions and Other Titanic Love Affairs. Issachar Publications. December, 2000. wraps. isbn: 0967243904. scarcity: fairly common.

Yet another book with Titanic in the title, but which has nothing to do with the maritime disaster. This actually appears to be about the dangers of illicit relationships written from a Christian perspective.

Eaton, W.A. The Loss of the Titanic. Eaton’s Popular Poems, No. 57. 1912. wraps. poetry. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce. A short, 19 verse poem, written shortly after the disaster. With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

Edwards, Brian. A Swim for Dear Life, the True Story of a Titanic Survivor. Gordons Publishing. November, 1998. wraps. isbn: 1902074017. scarcity: scarce.

A factual account of first class passenger Algernon Henry Wilson Barkworth’s experiences. He was one of the survivors to eventually make it on top of Collapsible B.

With thanks to Lester Mitcham for the information about the subject of this book.

Eley, Charles V.A. How to Save a Big Ship from Sinking even though Torpedoed. 1st printing. Lon: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 1915. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Elite, Paul. The Olympic Class Liners: Olympic, Titanic and Britannic - The Legacy. . . . Not yet published. isbn: . scarcity: n/a. Aside for the author and title, I have not been able to track down any further details about this upcoming book, not even a tentative release date.

Emergency Relief by the American Red Cross. After the Wreck of the S.S. Titanic, April 15, 1912. Report of the Committee. . 1913. . isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Emerson, Harrington. In Memoriam to Those Who Perished in the Disaster to the Titanic, April 14th and 15th, 1912. 1st printing. New York: Emerson Company. April, 1912. wraps. booklet. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Emert, Phyllis Raybin (editor). Shipwrecks: The Sinking of the Titanic and Other Disasters at Sea (Perspectives on History Series). Carlisle: Discovery Enterprises. September, 1998. wraps. isbn: 1579600115. scarcity: hard to find.

Emert, Phyllis Raybin (editor). Shipwrecks: The Sinking of the Titanic and Other Disasters at Sea (Perspectives on History Series). Econo-Clad Books. January, 1998. hardcover. isbn: 0613191498. scarcity: fairly common. A hardcover reprint of the previous listing. Reprinted again in hardcover in October, 2001, same isbn number, by BT Bound publishers.

Engineering Magazine Weekly Journal. Lon: . May 26, 1911. . isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

This issue of Engineering, a British weekly journal, includes engineering drawings of deck plans for Titanic on four single sided pages. Another drawing, about a third of a page, shows the boat deck. Olympic is also featured, and includes descriptions of passenger accomodations with illustrations of the First Class Dining Salon, First Class Smoking Room, the Cafe, the Gymnasium, and a first class cabin as well.

Engineering Magazine Weekly Journal. Lon: . Jan to June, 1912. . isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

This volume includes various articles on the Titanic disaster, including a four page fold-out showing exits from the lower decks, and another illustration showing the arragements of the lifeboats on the boat deck. Information covered includes the disaster itself, and lessons gained. There are pieces about the ship’s framing, about the engineers, and about both the American and British inquiries.

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. The Sinking of the Titanic, a Poem. 1st edition in English. Bos: Houghton Mifflin. 1980. hardcover. translated by the author. poetry. isbn: 0395291208. scarcity: very scarce.

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. The Sinking of the Titanic, a Poem. 1st British edition. Manchester: Carcanet New Press. 1981. hardcover. translated by the author. poetry. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. The Sinking of the Titanic, a Poem. reprint. Sydney, Australia: Paladin Grafton Books. 1989. wraps. translated by the author. poetry. isbn: 0586087230. scarcity: hard to find.

Etherington-Smith, Meredith & Jeremy Pilcher. The “It” Girls. 1st British printing. London: Hamish Hamilton. 1986. hardcover. isbn: 0241119502. scarcity: fairly common.

A modern biography of Lady Duff Gordon and her equally well know younger sister Elinor Glyn. Gordon was the popular fashion designer known as ‘Lucile’; Glyn was a famous romantic novelist.

Etherington-Smith, Meredith & Jeremy Pilcher. The “It” Girls. 1st American printing. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. 1986. hardcover. isbn: 0151457743. scarcity: common.

Eustis, Elizabeth Mussey. The Titanic, Our Story. Written anonymously under the author's initials. See under M.E.S. & E.M.E. in Book List M to R.

Everett (pseudonym of Henry Neil), Marshall (editor). Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic, the Ocean’s Greatest Disaster. n.p. 1912. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

The story of the Titanic disaster culled from newspaper headlines & articles published in the weeks following the loss. High on drama but short on accuracy, the book is a fascinating look at how the world perceived and reacted to this event.The green and red bindings are the most common, but the book was also published with covers in grey, blue, yellow, black, and other colors.

This is the book that has L.H. Walter’s name on the copyright page.

Everett (pseudonym of Henry Neil), Marshall (editor). Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic, the Ocean’s Greatest Disaster. n.p. 1912. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

This is a lesser seen, alternate binding with a full leather spine. It sold at a premium over the standard cloth edition.

Everett, Marshall (editor). Story of the Wreck of the Titanic. Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic. modern reprint. Edison, NJ: Castle Books, Book Sales. September, 1998. hardcover. isbn: 0785810110. scarcity: fairly common.

A modern hardback reprint of Everett’s 1912 original. The title on dust jacket reads Story of the Wreck of the Titanic, but the correct title, which is on the title page, is Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic.

Eyman, Scott. I Took a Voyage on the R.M.S. Titanic. Eyman was the author of an article that interviewed survivor Marjorie Newell Robb in 1981. See the complete listing for this book under Robb.


Fahey, Kathleen. Titanic. 1st American printing. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishers. January, 2005. hardcover. A volume in the Disasters series. children’s book (Ages 9 to 12). isbn: 0836844998. scarcity: fairly common.

Fall, Charles G. Words with Wings. . 1913. . poetry. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

A poetry anthology with eight Titanic related pieces, even including an anti-Lord poem!

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for this one.

Faulkner-Woolley, D.J. Titanic: One Man’s Dream: Douglas John Faulkner-Woolley. Cowritten with Clive Amphlett. See the complete listing under Amphlett.

Fellowes-Gordon, Ian. The World’s Most Thrilling Escapes. 1st printing. Middlesex: Oldham Books. 1968. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

Eighteen stories of real life escapes from disasters and war. The Titanic related chapter is called "Charles Joughin is Saved from the Titanic". It follows the truly incredible (and incredibly true) story of the last man to leave the sinking ship, who went on to survive an extended time in the freezing water until there was room on one of the overtuned lifeboats for him to finally clamber on.

With thanks to Patty Miller for tipping me off about this book, and the Titanic related chapter therein.

Finney, Jack. From Time to Time: A Novel. 1st printing. NY: Simon & Schuster. 1995. hardcover. science fiction. isbn: 0671898841. scarcity: common.

The sequel to Time and Again. Available in a softcover edition as well, with the same isbn number.

Finney, Jack. Time and Again. 1st printing. NY: Simon & Schuster. 1970. hardcover. science fiction. sbn: 671204971. scarcity: fairly common.

A novel of time travel, a love story, and the Titanic.

Finney, Jack. Time and Again. reprint. NY: Simon & Schuster. 1970. hardcover. science fiction. isbn: . scarcity: common.

First British edition, 1980. Lon: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. hardcover.
Paperback edition by NY: Scribner Paperback Fiction. 1995. wraps. isbn# 0684801051.

Fisher, Simon. The Titanic, An Artist’s Angle. hardcover. booklet. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

Fitch, Patrick. The Coming Slaughter of the Innocents. isbn: ?. scarcity: ?.

This book is purported to be about a Findlay, Ohio man who may or may not have been lost on the Titanic. The man’s name was J.H. Rogers, an alias for Jay T. Yates. The author has been studying the mystery of Jay Yates for many years. He wrote an article about Yates, which appeared in the November, 1996 - January 1997 issue of the Titanic Commutator.

Fitch’s article was a followup to an article by George Behe, which was originally printed in the Fall, 1982 issue of the Commutator. In that article, which was about the gamblers aboard the maiden voyage, Behe concluded that Yates was never on the ship.

I have not been able to track down any information to suggest this book was ever published.

With thanks to Arne Mjåland for initial details about this one.

Fitzgerald, Dawn. Robert Ballard: Discovering the Titanic and Beyond. 1st printing. Millbrook Press. February, 2004. hardcover. children’s book. Due out in early 2004. As of December, it has not yet been released. isbn: 076132836X. scarcity: n/a.

Flayhart III, William H. Majesty at Sea. The Four Stackers. Cowritten with John H. Shaum, Jr. See the complete listing under Shaum.

Flayhart, III, William H. Perils of the Atlantic: Steamship Disasters, 1850 to the Present. 1st printing. New York: W.W. Norton. June, 2003. hardcover. isbn: 0393041557. scarcity: fairly common.

In total, 21 disasters at sea starting with the wreck of the Arctic in 1854 and ending with the Seabreeze 1 in 2000. Quite a good selection of well known as well as lesser known events including chapters on White Star’s Atlantic, American Line’s Pennsylvania, the Red Star Line’s Rushland, Cunard’s Oregon, etc. Some of the better know disasters include the Republic & Florida collision, Titanic, Empress of Ireland, Lusitania and Andrea Doria / Stockholm.

With thanks to Mark Baber for mentioning this one. For a more detailed review of this book, see the Books Beyond Titanic page, November, 2003.

Flayhart, III, William H. The Titanic and Her Sisters: Olympic, Titanic, Britannic. Cowritten with John H. Shaum, Jr. See the complete listing under Shaum.

Fleming, Rev. John A. The Last Voyage of His Majesty’s Hospital Ship Britannic. 1st printing. Marshall Brothers. 1917. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Fleming, Rev. John A. & Simon Mills (editor). The Last Voyage of His Majesty’s Hospital Ship Britannic. 1st thus. revised edition of the 1917 original. Wordsmith Publications. 1998. wraps. isbn: 1899493026. scarcity: hard to find.

A reprint of the rare original book with archival illustrations.

Fletcher, Jim. Titanic Warning. Could This Disaster Have Been Prevented? Hearing the Voice of God in this Modern Age. Cowritten with Casey M. Sabella. See the complete listing under Sabella.

Fletcher, R.A. Steam Ships and Their Story. The Story of Their Development to the Present Day. 1st printing. London: Sidgwick & Jackson. 1910. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

Another interesting history of ocean liners. Titanic content is minimal, with only some brief introductory comments about the building of Olympic and Titanic then under construction. There is, however, an attractive color illustration of Olympic on the front cover of the book, which is repeated on the cover of the dust jacket as well.

The American edition released simultaneously by Philadelphia: Lippincott.
With thanks to Kalman Tanito for information about this book.

Fletcher, R[oy]. RMS Titanic: The Story Illustrated with Postcards of the Period. 1st printing. Rugby, Warks, Eng: by the author. 2001. wraps. isbn: 0954089006. scarcity: hard to find.

Floherty, John H. White Terror. Adventures with the Ice Patrol. 1st printing. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1947. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Forshaw, Chas. F (editor). Poetical Tributes on the Loss of the R.M.S. Titanic, April 15th, 1912. Lon: Elliot Stock. 1912. hardcover. poetry. isbn: 0. scarcity: very scarce.

Filled with one to two page poems, arranged alphabetically by the poet’s name.

Forsyth, Alastair. Titanic Voices. Memories from the Fateful Voyage. Cowritten with Donald Hyslop. See the complete listing under Hyslop.

Foster, John Wilson. The Age of Titanic. 1st printing. Ireland: Merlin Publishing. April, 2002. wraps. isbn: 1903582377. scarcity: hard to find. With thanks to Senan Molony for letting me know about this one.

Foster, John Wilson. Recoveries. Neglected Episodes in Irish Cultural History 1860 to 1912. 1st printing. Dublin: Dufour Editions, University College Dublin Press. 2002. hardcover. isbn: 1900621827. scarcity: fairly common.

Foster, John Wilson (editor). Titanic. 1st printing. Lon: Penguin. October, 1999. wraps. isbn: 014118082X. scarcity: hard to find.

Foster, John Wilson (editor). Titanic (The Titanic Reader). 1st American printing. NY: Viking, Penguin. August, 2000. wraps. isbn: 0141184833. scarcity: fairly common.

Foster, John Wilson. The Titanic Complex: A Cultural Manifest. 1st printing. Vancouver, Canada: Belcouver Press. 1997. wraps. isbn: 0969946414. scarcity: scarce.

Foxton, David. Sepia and Song. Players Press. June, 1990. wraps. fiction (plays). isbn: 033340923X. scarcity: scarce.

This book apparently contains a short, roughly 40 page play called Titanic.
With thanks to Dru Schillow for bringing this book to my attention.

Also a new edition in 1992 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, isbn# 017432409X.

Frakes, Randall. Titanic: James Cameron’s Illustrated Screenplay. Cowritten with James Cameron. See the complete listing under Cameron.

Franklin, Charles. The World’s Greatest Mistakes. 1st printing. Middlesex: Odham Books. 1969. hardcover. isbn: 0600721345. scarcity: fairly common. Includes a chapter on Titanic called “The Unsinkable”. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Fredricks, Henry (editor). The Tragic Story of the Titanic. The Greatest Marine Disaster in the History of the World Constructed from the Real Facts as Obtained from Survivors. Philadelphia: LT Myers. International Bible Press?). 1912. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Friedlaender, Robert & translated by Erna McArthur. Titanic. 1st British printing & first edition in English. Lon: Secker. 1938. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0. scarcity: scarce.

The first printing of this novel in English, published originally in German a year earlier.
This is the same book listed under the author’s pseudonym, Robert Prechtl. See under Prechtl.

Fritscher, Jack. Titanic: Forbidden Stories Hollywood Forgot, The 4th Collection. 1st printing. San Francisco: Palm Drive Publishing. January, 1999. wraps. fiction. isbn: 1890834300. scarcity: fairly common.

Twelve stories of erotic Gay fiction including a novella set on the Titanic.

Fullerton, Alexander. Wave Cry. 1st printing. Bos: Little, Brown. November, 1999. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0316852139. scarcity: hard to find.

A third class passenger loses her husband and child in the disaster. Upon learning on the Carpathia that White Star Line chairman J. Bruce Ismay saved himself, she determines to kill him.

Unabridged audio cassette edition narrated by Marie McCarthy, pulished by Soundings, March, 2000. isbn# 1860427499.

Fullerton, Alexander. Wave Cry. new edition. NY: Warner. November, 2000. wraps. fiction. isbn: 075152977X. scarcity: fairly common. The paperback version of the previous title.


Gaines, Keith. Titanic Tragedy. Oxford Univ Press. March, 2002. wraps. children’s book. Due out in the Spring of 2002. Far as I can determine, this title was never released. isbn: 0199175187. scarcity: .

Gardiner, Gordon P. Champion of the Kingdom: the Story of Philip Mauro. Grace Abounding Ministries, Inc. ca 1961?. wraps. Foreword by Isabel Mauro Tharp, Mauro’s daughter. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

This is a biography of Philip Mauro. The Titanic connection is that he and his wife were on the Carpathia when that ship rescued the Titanic survivors. The Titanic chapter is called “As Strangers and Pilgrims”, and includes Mauro’s account of events on the Carpathia following the rescue.

Mauro went on to become friends with some of the survivors. Later in his career he wrote two tracts covering the disaster, The Life-Boat and the Death Boat and The Titanic Catastrophe and Its Lessons.

This work was apparently released in the U.S. by Hess Publications , Ashburn, VA.
With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

Gardiner, Robin. The History of the White Star Line. 1st printing. Surrey: Ian Allan Publishing. July, 2001. hardcover. isbn: 0711028095. scarcity: fairly common.

Gardiner, Robin & Dan Van Der Vat. The Riddle of the Titanic. 1st printing. Lon: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1995. hardcover. isbn: 0297815288. scarcity: common.

Gardiner, Robin & Dan Van Der Vat. The Titanic Conspiracy. 1st American printing. NY: Birch Lane. 1996. hardcover. isbn: 1559723475. scarcity: common

Gardiner, Robin. Titanic in Picture Postcards. Cowritten with Robert McDougall. See the complete listing under McDougall.

Gardiner, Robin. Titanic: The Ship that Never Sank?. 1st printing. Shepperton, Surrey: Ian Allan Publishing. October, 1998. hardcover. isbn: 0711026335. scarcity: common

Gardiner, Robin. White Star Line in Picture Postcards. Cowritten with Robert McDougall. See the complete listing under McDougall.

Gardner, Martin (editor). Wreck of the Titanic Foretold?. 1st printing. Buffalo: Prometheus. 1986. hardcover. isbn: 0879753218. scarcity: hard to find.

Gardner, Martin (editor). Wreck of the Titanic Foretold?. revised edition. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. March, 1998. wraps. isbn: 1573922013. scarcity: fairly common.

Garnett, Mayn Clew. The White Ghost of Disaster. 1st printing. Popular Magazine. May, 1912. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

A pulp magazine short story, remarkable more for its timing than anything else. It was actually in the publication process in April of 1912, although it was not available to the reading public till May. It tells the story of a great liner that smashes head-on into an iceberg, and sinks with a grreat loss of life because of a lack of lifeboats.

This work can be found in its entirety in Martin Gardner’s excellent book The Wreck of the Titanic Foretold?

Garrett, Richard. Atlantic Disaster. The Titanic and Other Victims of the North Atlantic. 1st printing. Lon: Buchan & Enright. 1986. hardcover. The American edition was apparently published by Seven Hills, Auburn, WA, also in 1986. isbn: 0907675573. scarcity: hard to find.

Garrison, Webb. A Treasury of Titanic Tales. 1st printing. Nashville: Rutledge Hill Press. 1998. wraps. isbn: 1558536582. scarcity: fairly common.

Garzke, Jr, William H & John B. Woodward. Titanic Ships, Titanic Disasters. An Analysis of Early Cunard and White Star Superliners. 1st printing. Jersey City, NJ: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 2002. hardcover. isbn: 093977335X. scarcity: scarce.

Gateward, Frances & Murray Pomerance. Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. Cinemas of Girlhood. 1st printing. Wayne State University Press. February, 2002. hardcover. A volume in the Contemporary Film and Television Series. isbn: 0814329179. scarcity: hard to find.

Geelan, Michael. Sinking of the Titanic. This is a 12 page chapter written for an anthology of true stories called True Stories of Tragedy and Terror.

Geller, Judith B. Titanic, Women and Children First. 1st British printing. London: Patrick Stephens. September, 1998. hardcover. isbn: 1852605944. scarcity: fairly common

Geller, Judith B. Titanic, Women and Children First. 1st American printing. NY: Norton. October, 1998. hardcover. isbn: 0393046664. scarcity: common.

Geller, Judith B. Titanic the Artifact Exhibit. Atlanta: RMS Titanic, Inc. 2001. wraps. isbn: 0970899408. scarcity: hard to find.

Gibbons, Elizabeth. To the Bitter End. . . . isbn: . scarcity: very scarce

Apparently a biography of William Murdoch, the Titanic’s first officer.

Gibbs, Philip. The Deathless Story of the Titanic. London: Lloyd’s Weekly News. 1912. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Gibbs, Philip. The Deathless Story of the Titanic. reprint of the original. Riverside, CT: 7 C’s Press. n.d. (1970s). wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Gibbs, Philip. The Deathless Story of the Titanic. reprint of the original. Lon: Lloyd’s of London Press. 1985. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: scarce.

Gibbs, Philip. The Deathless Story of the Titanic. Philip, Eng: King Pub. 1997. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find. This edition was reprinted on the 75th anniversary of the sinking.

Gibbs, Philip. Great Newspapers Reprinted Special: Titanic the Unsinkable. The Deathless Story of the Titanic. Lon: Peter Way, Ltd. 1972. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Gillespie, Vera & John. The Titanic Man. Carlos F. Hurd: Covering the Most Famous of all Shipwrecks, S.S. Titanic. 1st printing. Grover, MO: by the authors. January, 1996. wraps. isbn: 0964947412. scarcity: scarce.

Gillespie, Vera & John. The Titanic Man. Carlos F. Hurd: Covering the Most Famous of all Shipwrecks, S.S. Titanic. limited edition. Mattituck, NY: Amereon House Ltd. 1996. hardcover. An unnumbered limited edition of only 300 copies. isbn: 0964947412. scarcity: scarce.

Gittins, Dave. Titanic: Monument and Warning. 1st printing. Adelaide, Australia: by the author. October, 2005. . Cd-rom format for Windows computers. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

Giuliano, Geoffrey. That Fateful Night: True Stories of Titanic Survivors in Their Own Words!. abridged edition. NY: Bantam Books Audio. June, 1998. . audio edition, compact disc. isbn: 0553456202. scarcity: fairly common.

Audio recordings of survivor’s personal recollections, mixed with early 20th century music.

Also available on audio cassettes, isbn# 0553525751.

There was also another edition in December, 1998, isbn# 0553515756.

Glasser, Perry. Singing on the Titanic: Stories. Urbana: Univ of Illinois. July, 1987. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0252014278. scarcity: fairly common.

A collection of Illinois short fiction of which this title is the last work in the book.

Gleicher, David. The Rescue of the Third Class on the Titanic: A Revisionist History. 1st printing. St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada: Maritime History Publications. 2006. wraps. isbn: 0973893419. scarcity: hard to find.

Goldman, Steve. Extra Titanic. The Story of the Disaster in the Newspapers of the Day. Cowritten with Eric Caren. See the complete listing under Caren.

Goldsmith, Frank J.W. Echoes in the Night. Memories of a Titanic Survivor. limited, 1st printing. Indian Orchard, MA: Titanic Historical Society. 1991. hardcover. limited to 100 copies. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Goldsmith, Frank J. Echoes in the Night. Memories of a Titanic Survivor. 1st trade edition. 7 C’s Press?. 1991. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: scarce.

Goldsmith, Dr. Mike. Scientists Who Made History: Guglielmo Marconi. Austin, TX: Raintree Publishers. 2002. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0739852272. scarcity: fairly common. Published simultaneously in the UK by Hodder and Stoughton, isbn# 0750239441. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this book.

Goodman, Bruce. Sheer Silence. . 1999. . fiction (play). isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Although originally written in 1999, this play has just had its finished its premiere season in Auckland, New Zealand during the Summer of 2002. According to the author, the play deals with the New Zealand father and sisters of Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller, as they follow the news events of the Titanic sinking.

Check out the link on the New Book Alerts page (posted September 15, 2002) for further information about this author's play.
With thanks to Dru Schillow for bringing this one to my attention.

Gordon, Bussey. Marconi’s Atlantic Leap. 1st printing. Coventry: Marconi Communications. 2000. hardcover. isbn: 0953896706. scarcity: fairly common. This one does not include any Titanic content that I am aware of, but for students of the history of wireless, this one looks quite interestng regardless. It is the story of the first successful bridging of the Atlantic by wireless, published to coincide with the centenary of the event.

Gordon (Lucile), Lady Duff. Discretions and Indiscretions. 1st American printing. NY: Frederick A. Stokes. 1932. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

For the British edition, see the listing under “Duff-Gordon”.

Gordon, Rob. Titanic Halifax: A Guide to Sites. Cowritten with Alan Jeffers. See the complete listing under Jeffers.

Gormley, Beatrice. Travelers through Time: Back to the Titanic. Denver: Apple. 1994. wraps. children’s book. isbn: . scarcity: common.

Hardcover edition by Econo-Clad Books, October, 1999, isbn#0613112997.

Goss, Michael & George Behe. Lost at Sea: Ghost Ships and Other Mysteries. 1st printing. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. 1994. hardcover. isbn: 0879759135. scarcity: fairly common.

Gracie, Colonel Archibald. The Truth About the Titanic. 1st printing. NY: Mitchell Kennerley. 1913. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

Gracie, Colonel Archibald. The Truth About the Titanic. reprint. New York: Mitchell Kennerley. 1913. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Gracie, Colonel Archibald. The Truth About the Titanic. modern reprint. Riverside, CT: 7 C’s Press. 1973. hardcover. foreword by Robert H. Gibbons, President of Titanic Enthusiasts of America (now the Titanic Historical Society). isbn: 911962077. scarcity: hard to find.

Gracie, Archibald & Andrew Gracie. Titanic: A Survivor’s Story. Intl Pubs. May, 1997. wraps. isbn: 086299179X. scarcity: common.

Gracie, Archibald & John B. Thayer. Titanic: A Survivor’s Story and The Sinking of the S.S. Titanic. 2nd edition. Academy Chicago Publishers. March, 1998. wraps. isbn: 0897334523. scarcity: hard to find.

Gracie, Archibald & Harold Bride, C.H. Lightoller. Survivors: Stories of the Titanic. reprint. Mattituck, NY: Amereon House Ltd. December, 1989. hardcover. isbn: 0848821912. scarcity: hard to find.

Gracie, Archibald & read by Frederick Davidson. Titanic: A Survivor’s Story. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audiobooks. June, 1998. . audiobook. isbn: 0786113065. scarcity: fairly common.

Graham, Lauren & Roisin Mathews. Samson’s Titanic Journeyr. 1st edition. Northern Ireland: O’Donnell Press. 2004. wraps. Illustrations by Roisin Mathews. children’s book. isbn: 0954616359. scarcity: scarce.

Graham, Lewis & Edwin Olmstead. The Unsinkable Mrs. Jay. 1st printing. New York: Covici Friede. 1934. hardcover. fiction. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

This is a novel inspired by the life of Margaret “Molly” Brown. Although fiction, it apparently does cover many of the pivotal moments in Brown’s life, including her experiences in the Titanic disaster. It was first published two years after her death. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Grange, Amanda P. Titanic Affair. 1st printing. Severn House Publishing. June, 2004. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0727861026. scarcity: fairly common.

Grant, Dorothy. Amazing Medical Stories. Co-written with George Burden. See the complete listing under Burden.

Grayson, Charles (editor). Stories for Men. 1st printing. Bos: Little, Brown. 1936. hardcover. fiction. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

This anthology includes a short story by Wilson Mizner called You’re Dead! It tells the story of two of the professional gamblers, i.e. conmen, who sailed on Titanic’s fateful voyage.

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for bringing this book to my attention.

Great Disasters. Dramatic True Stories of Nature’s Awesome Powers. 1st printing. Pleasantville: Reader’s Digest. 1989. hardcover. isbn: 089577321X. scarcity: common

There is an eight page account of the Titanic disaster is in this book.

Greeley, Dr. Horace. The Wreck of the Titanic. A Poem. Brooklyn: Donald Sinclair. n.d. . illustrated by the author. poetry. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

The Green Book of Prophecies, 1912. . October, 1911. . isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

This booklet was published as a promotional gimimick by the manufacturers of Zam Buk, which was some sort of cream, or ointment. In their list of prophecies was this intriguing item under April, 1912: "There will be a great disaster at sea in which many lives will be lost." With thanks to Senan Molony for unearthing this little gem.

Green, Edwin & Michael S. Moss. A Business of National Importance: The Royal Mail Shipping Group, 1902-1937. 1st printing. London: Methuen. 1982. hardcover. isbn: 0416322204. scarcity: fairly common.

The Royal Mail Group was the consortium that bought the White Star Line from IMM in 1926, bringing the company back under British ownership. Unfortunately, a number of rash business decisions by the company’s board of directors, along with America’s decision to severely curtail the number of immigrants that would be allowed into the country combined to cause the financial collapse of the enterprise. The eventual result was that the White Star Line was forced to merge with Cunard, with the latter as the controlling partner.

With thanks to Mark Baber for alerting me to this title.

Green, Rod. Building the Titanic: An Epic Tale of Modern Engineering and Human Endeavour. 1st printing. London: Carlton Publishing. June, 2005. hardcover. isbn: 1844425401. scarcity: fairly common.

Green, Rod. Building the Titanic: An Epic Tale of the Creation of History's Most Famous Ocean Liner. 1st American printing. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest. October, 2005. hardcover. isbn: 0762106891. scarcity: fairly common.

Green, Veronica. Titanic Victims and Survivors: Death Notices in Southampton Local News Papers. Southampton Reference Library. October, 2002. wraps. isbn: 0954394100. scarcity: hard to find.

Greenberg, Martin H. Sherlock Holmes in Orbit. Greenberg co-edited this book with Mike Resnick. See the complete listing under Resnick.

Greene, Laurence. America Goes to Press. The News of Yesterday. 1st printing. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 1936. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

The story of important news dispatches and editorial comments ranging in time from the American Colonial period up to the assassination in Sarajevo, which eventually led to the Great War. Includes details about a wide variety of accounts including Jesse James, the Pony Express and Titanic.

Published in the UK, also in 1936 by London: George Harrap & Co.
With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Griffin, Pamela. Til We Meet Again. Heartsong Presents. 2000. wraps. isbn: 1577487583. scarcity: hard to find.

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for mentioning this one.

Griffith, Captain Glyn . The Romance of Lloyd’s from Coffee-House to Palace. Co-written with Frank A. Worsley. See the complete listing under Worsley.

Griffith, William. The Elbert Hubbard Book. Wise and Witty Writings Selected from the Works of Elbert Hubbard. Griffith selected and edited this anthology of Elbert Hubbard's writings. See the complete listing under Hubbard.

Grimes, Eileen. Titanic Astrology. The Grand Design of a Famous Shipwreck. 1st printing. Seattle: Little Shaver Press. March, 2004. wraps. isbn: 0974702900. scarcity: hard to find.

Grimm, Jack. Beyond Reach, the Search for the Titanic. Cowritten with William Hoffman. See the complete listing under Hoffman.

Griswood, Rev. G.A. The Sinking of the Titanic. Dallas, TX: Bible Institute Colportage. 1912. . booklet. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Griswood, Rev. G.A. The Sinking of the Titanic. reprint. Chicago: Moody Press. n.d. ( ca 1920). wraps. booklet. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Groff, John M & Jane E. Allen. The Titanic and Her Era. Phil: Philadelphia Maritime Museum. 1982. wraps. edited by Philip Chadwick Foster Smith. booklet. isbn: 0913346071. scarcity: scarce.

Gunston, David. Guglielmo Marconi. Heron Books. 1970. hardcover. one of the volumes in the series The Great Nobel Prizes. isbn: 0. scarcity: hard to find.

A biography of the man who made wireless at sea possible. Interesting biography, but not much Titanic related material to speak of.

Gunston, David. Marconi, Father of Radio. 1st printing. NY: Crowell Collier. 1965. hardcover. illustrations by Eric J. Woodley. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

Another biography of Marconi. Not exactly sure how different these two titles by Gunston are.

With thanks to Diane Ostrow for bringing this book to my attention.


Haas, Charles A. Falling Star. Misadventures of White Star Line Ships. Cowritten with John P. Eaton. See the complete listing under Eaton.

Haas, Charles A. Titanic a Journey Through Time. Cowritten with John P. Eaton. See the complete listing under Eaton.

Haas, Charles A. Titanic Destination Disaster. The Legends and the Reality. Cowritten with John P. Eaton. See the complete listing under Eaton.

Haas, Charles A. Titanic - The Exhibition. Cowritten with John P. Eaton. See the complete listing under Eaton.

Haas, Charles A. Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. Cowritten with John P. Eaton. See the complete listing under Eaton.

Hackett, Chris & John Bedford. The Sinking of the S.S. Titanic. Belfast: . 1997. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: scarce. A technical look at the causes and effects of the collision using modern investigative techniques.

Hadfield, John (editor). The Saturday Book 12. 12th issue. London: Hutchinson. 1952. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

A yearly miscellany of articles by various authors. This edition includes an eight page story by Derek Hudson called SOS Titanic.

With thanks to Patty Miller for letting me know about the Titanic related chapter in this book.

Hadfield, Robert L. Sea-Toll of Our Time. A Chronicle of Maritime Disaster During the Last Thirty Years Drawn from Authentic Sources. 1st printing. London: H.F. & G. Witherby. 1930. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

Haisman, David. I’ll See You in New York. Titanic, The Courage of a Survivor. The Edith Haisman Story, by Her Son. 1st printing. Moorooka, Brisbane, Qld: Boolarong Press. 1999. wraps. isbn: 0646332368.. scarcity: hard to find.

Haisman, David. Raised on the Titanic, an Autobiography. 1st printing. Moorooka, Brisbane, Qld: Boolarong Press. June, 2002. wraps. isbn: 0646332651. scarcity: fairly common.

Haisman, Edith. Survivor’s Account. . . . see the listing under author James Pellow.

Hakkarainen, Elin. Survivor’s Account. . . . see the listing under author Gerald Nummi.

Hall, Steve & Bruce Beveridge. Titanic and Olympic, The Truth Behind the Conspiracy. 1st printing. Haverford, PA: Infinity Publishing. January, 2004. wraps. isbn: 0741419491. scarcity: hard to find.

Hall, Steve. Titanic, The Ship Magnificent. Co-written with Bruce Beveridge and Scott Andrews. See the complete listing under Beveridge.

Halley, Ned. Disasters. 1st printing. Larousse Kingfisher Chambers. September, 1999. hardcover. children’s book (ages 9 to 12). isbn: 0753452219. scarcity: fairly common.

This title covers a series of disasters, both natural and manmade. Titanic is included and is featured on the cover of the book as well.

Apparently there was a British printing of this book called The Best-Ever Book of Disasters. Same publisher and year of publication. The hardcover edition has isbn# 0753403641. There was a softcover printing in 1999 as well, isbn# 0753404532. There was an additional softcover printing in 2002.
With thanks to Dru Schillow for mentioning this one to me.

Hamilton, Sue L. Royal Mail Steamship Titanic. Bloomington, IN: Abdo & Daughters. 1988. . children’s book. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Sometimes also listed under the abreviated title R.M.S. Titanic.

Hammond, David, (editor). Steelchest, Nail in the Boot and The Barking Dog. The Belfast Shipyard, a Story of the People by the People. 1st printing. Belfast: Flying Fox Films. 1986. hardcover. photographs by Bill Kirk. isbn: 1870044002. scarcity: hard to find. With thanks to Senan Molony for tipping me off to this one.

Hampshire Chronicle. Every Light was Shining. 1st printing. This book was edited by Diana Hargreaves. See the complete listing under Hargreaves..

Hannah, Jack W. The Titanic, Its Prophecy, Philosophy, and Psychology. 1st printing. Mansfield, OH: Didactic Pub Assoc. 1980. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: scarce.

Hansen, Erik Fosnes. Psalm at Journey’s End. 1st printing. NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1996. hardcover. translated by Joan Tate. fiction. isbn: 0374238685. scarcity: common.

Another edition in 1997, San Diego: Harcourt Brace, a Harvest Book, isbn# 0156005271.

Hardwick, Mollie. Upstairs Downstairs III, The Years of Change. 1st printing. NY: Dell. 1974. wraps. fiction. isbn: . scarcity: common.

A companion volume to the popular British tv drama.
With thanks to Dru Schillow for bringing this book to my attention.

The British version, also in paperback in 1974, was published by Sphere.

Hargreaves, Diana. Every Light was Shining. The Loss of the White Star Liner, Titanic, on April 15th, 1912, as Told Through the Pages of the Hampshire Chronicle. 1st printing. Winchester, Eng: Hampshire Chronicle. 2004. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find. The Hampshire Chronicle is published in Winchester, which is just 12 miles from Southampton. This book covers the sinking of the Titanic as reported in the pages of that newspaper in 1912. Every article is reproduced from the originals, detailing how the disaster impacted the area and it’s people. With thanks to Andrew Williams and Brian Ticehurst for details about this publication.

Harmon, Dan. The Titanic. Great Disasters, Reforms and Ramifications. 1st printing. Phil: Chelsea House. 2001. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0791052656. scarcity: fairly common.

Harper, Edith K(atherine). Stead, the Man. Personal Reminiscences. 1st printing. London: William Rider & Son, Ltd. 1918. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce. Apparently, a biography of William Stead written by his secretary.

Harris, Mike. My Titanic Struggle for the Titanic. 1st printing. BookSurge Publishing. February, 2006. wraps. isbn: 1419615440. scarcity: fairly common.

Harris, Rene. Her Husband Went Down with the Titanic article in Liberty Magazine. . 1932. . isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

Harrison, Cora. The Titanic - Voyage from Drumshee. 1st printing. Dublin: Wolfhound Press. 1998. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 0863276792. scarcity: hard to find.

This book alternately listed as The Secret of the Titanic, from September, 1998, but with same author and isbn number.

Another edition by the Irish American Book Company in March, 1999.

Harrison, Leslie. A Titanic Myth: The Californian Incident. 1st printing. Lon: William Kimber. 1986. hardcover. isbn: 071830618X. scarcity: very scarce.

Harrison, Leslie. A Titanic Myth: The Californian Incident. 2nd, revised edition. Hanley Swan, Worcester: Self Publishing Association Ltd. 1992. . isbn: 1854211846. scarcity: scarce.

Harrison, Leslie. Captain Lord’s Plight to Remember. Birkenhead: Countyvise. 1997. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: scarce.

Harrison, Leslie. The Case for Captain Lord. An Echo of the Titanic Disaster. SIGNED, limited 1st printing. Merseyside: Countyvise, Ltd. 1997. wraps. isbn: 1901231003. scarcity: scarce.

Harrison, Leslie. Defending Captain Lord, a Titanic Myth Part Two. 1st printing. Great Britain: Images Pub. 1996. hardcover. isbn: 1897817746. scarcity: hard to find.

Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia. The Dream Kingdom. 1st printing. London: Little, Brown. 2003. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0316860050. scarcity: fairly common.

A romance novel about newlyweds in Edwardian England. The Titanic angle is that the protagonist’s business ventures includes outfitting the new Olympic class liners. This volume is number 26 in the Morland Dynasty Series. With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for this one.

Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia. The Restless Sea. 1st printing. London: Little, Brown. 2004. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0316861049. scarcity: fairly common. The Titanic content in this next volume is their taking the ship’s maiden voyage. With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for this one as well.

Hart, Miss Eva & by Ronald C. Denney. Shadow of the Titanic: A Survivor’s Story. 1st printing, SIGNED by both authors. Dartford, Eng: Greenwich Univ Press. 1994. hardcover. isbn: 1874529280. scarcity: very scarce.

Hart, Miss Eva & by Ronald C. Denney. Shadow of the Titanic: A Survivor’s Story. 1st paperback printing. Dartford, Eng: Greenwich Univ Press. 1994. wraps. isbn: 1874529299. scarcity: scarce.

Hart, Miss Eva & by Ronald C. Denney. Shadow of the Titanic: A Survivor’s Story. 2nd edition. Kent, Eng: Chadwell Press. March, 2000. hardcover. isbn: 0953795705. scarcity: hard to find.

Hartley, Herbert & Clint Bonner. Home is the Sailor. 1st printing. Birmingham: Vulcan Press. 1955. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

Reminiscences of a former commodore of the United States Line, aboard the S.S. St. Louis and the S.S. Leviathan. Hartley knew Chief Officer Wilde of the Titanic and he almost traveled on the Titanic himself.

The Titanic related section contains an 11-page chapter about the disaster, including the story of how Hartley missed sailing on the ship. Wilde, an old acquaintance of his, invited to sail with him on the Titanic, but Hartley tossed a coin and sailed on the Olympic instead, to get back to the United States sooner (his ship was delayed in Southampton because of the coal strike).

With thanks to Kalman Tanito for this one.

Hatcher, Jeffrey. Scotland Road. NY: Dramatists Play Service. March, 1996. wraps. fiction (play). isbn: 0822214938. scarcity: hard to find.

Hauptmann, Gerhardt. Atlantis. 1st American printing. New York: B.W. Huebsch. 1912. hardcover. fiction. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common. Originally printed in the author’s native German, this novel relates the sinking of the ocean liner Atlantis in a Titanic-like disaster. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Hawk, John. The Titanic Hotel Mystery. 1st printing. New York: Doubleday, Doran. 1928. hardcover. fiction. isbn: . scarcity: scarce. Aside from having Titanic in the title, this mystery novel has nothing whatever to do with the ship or the disaster. With thanks to Patty Miller for details about this book.

Hawcock, David & Garry Walton. Shipwrecks, A 3-Dimensional Exploration. 1st printing. NY: Harper. 1993. hardcover. pop-ups engineered by Hawcock, and illustrated by Walton. children's book. isbn: 0694004529. scarcity: common.

A pop-up book which explores six famous shipwrecks, including the Giglio, Nuestra Senora de Atocha, the Mary Rose, Hamilton, Scourge and Titanic.

The first British printing done simultaneously by London: Tango Publishing.

Haws, Duncan. Merchant Fleets: Cunard, Cunard-White Star. Lon: TCl Publications. 1987. wraps. #12 in the Merchant Fleet series. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Haws, Duncan. Merchant Fleets in Profile: Cunard, American, Red Star, Inman, Leyland, Dominion, Atlantic Transport and White Star Lines. 1st printing. Cambridge: Patrick Stephens. 1979. hardcover. #2 in the Merchant Fleet series. isbn: 0850593247. scarcity: scarce.

Haws, Duncan. Merchant Fleets: White Star Line (Oceanic Steam Navigation Company). 1st printing. Lon: . 1990. wraps. with 74 profile drawings to scale illustrated by the author. #19 in the Merchant Fleet series. isbn: 0946378169. scarcity: scarce.

Hayes, Sir Bertram. Hull Down. Reminiscences of Wind-jammers, Troops and Travellers. 1st printing. London: Cassell & Company. 1925. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Reminiscences of a former Commodore of the White Star Line. The first 60 pages or so are about his early days in sail, the rest of the book concerns his experiences in the steamships. There is a decent amount of material about White Star Liners Majestic, and Olympic.

This book is more easily found in the reprint edition, also done in 1925; scarcity: common.

Hayes, Sir Bertram. Hull Down. Reminiscences of Wind-jammers, Troops and Travellers. 1st American edition. NY: Macmillan. 1925. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

Hedberg, Tom. Titanic Reference Map. Minneapolis: Hedberg Maps. October, 1998. wraps. isbn: 1885508271. scarcity: hard to find.

Hedberg, Tom. Titanic Reference Map. 2nd edition, updated & revised. Minneapolis: Hedberg Maps. 2004. wraps. isbn: 1593530110. scarcity: fairly common.

Heikkinen, Laina. Survivor’s Account. . . . see the listing under author Gerald Nummi.

Heiligman, Deborah & Deborah Hubgiman. The Story of the Titanic. NY: Random House. September, 1998. hardcover. illustrated by James Watling. children’s book. isbn: 0679988084. scarcity: hard to find.

Also available in softbound, same month & year, isbn# 067988808X.
Another hardcover edition by Econo-Clad Books, October, 1999, isbn#0613121619 .

Henkel, Virginia. Letters from the Past. 1st printing. Petone, New Zealand: Nelson Price Milburn. 1989. . color illustrated by Bruce Luxford. children’s book. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Henkel, Virginia. Letters from the Past. 1st American printing. Austin: Steck-Vaughn Library. 1991. . color illustrated by Bruce Luxford. children’s book. isbn: 081142698X. scarcity: hard to find.

Herd, Barry. Titanic: Everything Was Against Us. Sible Hedingham: W.S.L. (Washington Sound Library). 1998. . two audio cassette set. narrated by Hugh Dickson. isbn: 1902137027. scarcity: hard to find.

Herring, Susan Davis. From the Titanic to the Challenger: An Annotated Bibliography on Techonological Failures of the Twentieth Century. NY: Garland Pub. 1989. hardcover. isbn: 0824030435. scarcity: hard to find.

Heyer, Paul. Titanic Legacy: Disaster as Media Event and Myth. Westport, CT: Praeger. November, 1995. hardcover. isbn: 0275953521. scarcity: hard to find.

Higgins, Mary. Unsinkable Bridget. Reflections of a Titanic Survivor. inscribed & SIGNED by the author. Gananoque, Ontario: by the author. 1985. wraps. privately printed for the author’s family originally in 1968. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Hill, Christine M. Robert Ballard: Oceanographer Who Discovered the Titanic (People to Know). Berkeley: Enslow Publishers. May, 1998. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 076601147X. scarcity: hard to find.

Hill, David. The Men Behind the Titanic. 1994. . booklet. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce. Short booklet outlining the contributions by some of the powerful men in the Morgan Combine and at Harland & Wolff that resulted in the creation of the Titanic. Coverage includes Thomas Ismay and his son J. Bruce, Edward Harland, William Pirrie, and J. Pierpont Morgan.

Hilton, George W. Eastland: Legacy of the Titanic. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ Press. February, 1995. hardcover. isbn: 0804722919. scarcity: fairly common.

The Eastland capsized as a direct result of too much weight being added to the superstructure when lifeboats for all became mandatory after the Titanic disaster.

Hine, Al. The Unsinkable Molly Brown. 1st printing. Mattituck, NY: Amereon House. 1964. hardcover. fiction. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Hine, Al. The Unsinkable Molly Brown. New York: Gold Medal Books. 1964. wraps. fiction. isbn: none. scarcity: common. The more common paperback edition.

Hirschhorn, Joel. Titanic Adventure. One Woman’s True Life Voyage Down to the Legendary Ocean Liner. Cowritten with Jennifer Carter. See the complete listing under Carter.

Hitchcock, Alfred (editor). Suspense Stories Collected by Alfred Hitchcock. 1st printing. NY: Dell. 1945. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

An anthology of adventure which includes a short article by journalist Hanson Baldwin called R.M.S. Titanic.

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for bringing this book to my attention.

Hively, Will. The Eternal Darkness. A Personal History of Deep Sea Exploration. Co-written with Dr. Robert Ballard. See the complete listing under Ballard.

Hodges, John. Titanic. 1st printing. NY: Vantage Press. August, 1999. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0533129273. scarcity: hard to find.

A teenager stows away on the famous liner and survives to tell his story.

Hoehling, A.A. Great Ship Disasters. 1st printing. NY: Cowles Book Co. 1971. hardcover. isbn: sbn 402120531. scarcity: fairly common.

There is one chapter on the Titanic disaster.

Hoffman, William & Jack Grimm. Beyond Reach, the Search for the Titanic. 1st printing. NY: Beaufort Books. 1982. hardcover. isbn: 082530105X. scarcity: common.

Hoffman, William. Texas, A Year with the Boys. 1st printing. Dallas: Taylor Publishing Co. 1983. hardcover. isbn: 0878333371. scarcity: common.

Hogan, Peter. Titanic. Dufour Editions. December, 1996. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 1853715166. scarcity: hard to find.

This is apparently the same book by Arthur McKeown in the 1996 Dufour Editions version. See the listing under Arthur McKeown.

Hoh, Diane. Remembering the Titanic: Sequel to Titanic: The Long Night. NY: Scholastic. July, 1998. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 059087585X. scarcity: fairly common.

Hardcover edtion by Econo-Clad Books, October, 1999, isbn#0613120310.

Hoh, Diane. Titanic: The Long Night. NY: Scholastic. March, 1998. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 059033123X. scarcity: common.

Hardcover edition by Econo-Clad Books, October, 1999, isbn#0613089170.

Hollett, Dave. Fast Passage to Australia: The History of the Black Ball, Eagle, and White Star Lines of Australian Packets. London: Fairplay Publications. 1986. wraps. isbn: 0905045939. scarcity: very scarce. This appears to be a history of sailing packets before the age of steam. The White Star Line coverage likely includes details about the company before it was purchased by Thomas Ismay.

Holley, Barbara. I Missed the Titanic. Holley edited this book, written by Bernice Bilodeau. See the complete listing under Bilodeau.

Hook, Richard John. RMS Titanic Passenger and Crew Lists. Portsmouth: Titanic Research. April, 1999. wraps. isbn: 0953588807. scarcity: scarce.

Hope, Oliver. A Book of Brave Women. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d. ca 1913. hardcover. illustrated by Ernest Prater. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

Horne, Ida Caroline Harrell. Simple Southern Songs. 1st printing. privately published. 1916. hardcover. poetry. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

An anthology of this Clayton, North Carolina poet’s work which includes a Titanic poem. With thanks to Dru Schillow for finding this one.

Horner, James & edited by Hal Leonard. Titanic: Easy Piano Selections (from the Movie). Hal Leonard Pub. April, 1998. wraps. isbn: 0793594855. scarcity: fairly common.

This songbook features instrumental selections from the soundtrack, including My Heart Will Go On.

Horner, James & edited by Hal Leonard. Titanic: Piano Selections (from the Movie). Hal Leonard Pub. March, 1998. wraps. isbn: 0793592240. scarcity: fairly common.

This songbook features instrumental selections from the soundtrack.

Howard, John. Foundering of the Titanic. Melbourne: Public Library of Victoria. 1912. . isbn: 0. scarcity: very scarce.

Howell, J.A. The Great Titanic Ship and Its Disaster. Richwood, W. Va: Yew Pine Independent Print. 1913. . poetry booklet. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Howells, Richard. The Myth of the Titanic. 1st British printing. Lon: Palgrave (formerly Macmillan Press). March, 1999. hardcover. isbn: 0333725972. scarcity: fairly common.

Howells, Richard. The Myth of the Titanic. 1st American printing. NY: St. Martin’s Press. July, 1999. hardcover. isbn: 0312221487. scarcity: fairly common.

Howman, Margaret. The Loss of the Titanic. She is listed as co-writer on the Cambride House reprint of Rostron's autobiography. In actuality, Howman, the daughter of Rostron, wrote a new forward for this edition. See the complete listing under Rostron.

Hubbard, Elbert. The Titanic. 1st printing. East Aurora, NY: Roycroft Shops. 1923. wraps. isbn: 0. scarcity: very scarce.

Hubbard, Elbert. The Titanic. reprint. Riverside, CT: 7 C’s Press. 1974. wraps. isbn: 0911962107. scarcity: scarce.

Hubbard, Elbert & selected by William Griffith. The Elbert Hubbard Book. Wise and Witty Writings Selected from the Works of Elbert Hubbard. Racine, WI: Whitman Publishing. 1934. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

Hubgiman, Deborah. The Story of the Titanic. Cowritten with Deborah Heiligman. See the complete listing under Heiligman.

Hudson, Derek. SOS Titanic. . 1952. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

This eight page article about the disaster can be found in The Saturday Book12, edited by John Hadfield. See the complete listing under Hadfield.

Hughes, Susan & Steve Santini. The Science and Story of Titanic. 1st printing. Somerville House. 1999. wraps. color illustrations by Margo Davies LeClair. children's book. isbn: 1581840594. scarcity: fairly common.

Hughes, Susan & Steve Santini. The Titanic: Book and Submersible Model. . . . children’s book. isbn: . scarcity: fairly common.

Hume, John R. Shipbuilders to the World. 125 Years of Harland and Wolff. Cowritten with Michael Moss. See the complete listing under Moss.

Hustak, Alan. Titanic, the Canadian Story. Montreal: Vehicule Press. 1998. wraps. isbn: 1550651137. scarcity: scarce.

Hutchings, David F. RMS Titanic, 75 Years of Legend. 1st printing? Southampton: Kingfisher Railway Productions. April, 1987. wraps. with a center-fold color painting by Harley Crossley. isbn: 0946184291. scarcity: scarce.

Hutchings, David F. RMS Titanic, A Modern Legend. reprint. Launceston, Cornwall: Waterfront Publications. December, 1995. wraps. with a center-fold color painting by Harley Crossley. isbn: 0946184291. scarcity: hard to find.

Hutchins, W.T. Real Adventure Again. Hutchins was the editor for this book, written by E.W. Parker. See the complete listing under Parker.

Hutchinson, Gillian. The Wreck of the Titanic. Greenwich: National Maritime Museum. 1994. wraps. isbn: 0948065230. scarcity: scarce.

Hyslop, Donald & Alastair Forsyth & Sheila Jemima. Titanic Voices. 1st printing. Southampton: Southampton City Council. November, 1994. hardcover. photographs by John Lawrence. isbn: 075091436X. scarcity: hard to find.

Hyslop, Donald & Alastair Forsyth & Sheila Jemima. Titanic Voices. Memories from the Fateful Voyage. 1st American printing. NY: St. Martin’s Press. 1997. hardcover. photographs by John Lawrence. isbn: 0312174284. scarcity: common.

Hyslop, Donald & Alastair Forsyth & Sheila Jemima. Titanic Voices. Memories from the Fateful Voyage. 1st paperback edition. NY: St. Martin’s Press, Griffin Trade Paperback. April, 1999. wraps. photographs by John Lawrence. isbn: 0312217927. scarcity: common.

Hyslop, Donald & Alastair Forsyth & Sheila Jemima. Titanic Voices. Memories from the Fateful Voyage. special edition. Eng: Sutton Publishing. June, 1999. hardcover. photographs by John Lawrence. isbn: 1840151056. scarcity: scarce.


Ignarski, Jonathan S. (editor). The Underwriter’s Bedside Book. 1st printing. Colchester & New York: Lloyd’s of London Press. October, 1987. hardcover. isbn: 1850441332. scarcity: fairly common. A series of articles on risk taking and the insurance industry. Some ship disasters covered in the text include Titanic, Judea and the Torrey Canyon. Titanic content is minimal. Apparently released on both sides of the Atlantic more or less simultaneously. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Italia, Bob & James Austin. Robert Ballard. 1st printing. Bloomington: Abdo & Daughters. June, 1990. hardcover. children’s book. A volume in the Explorers of the Past and Present series. isbn: 0939179954. scarcity: very scarce. The story of Ballard’s discovery of the Titanic written for young readers. There was apparently another printing, with this same isbn number, published in January, 1999.

Iversen, Kristen. Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books. July, 1999. hardcover. foreword by Muffet Brown, great granddaughter of Molly Brown. isbn: 1555662366. scarcity: fairly common.

Also available in softbound at this same time, isbn# 1555662374.


Jack, Ian (et. al.). Granta 67: Women and Children First. Granta Publications. Autumn, 1999. wraps. literary magazine. isbn: 0903141302. scarcity: fairly common.

A volume of this literary magazine; this one concentrates on people in extreme situations over the last 100 years. There is a section on band leader Wallace Hartley’s story, and the experience of the middle class passengers on the voyage.

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for mentioning this book.

Jackson, Bruce. The Titanic Toast: A Compilation of Versions. . 1972. . isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

Story of the African American folk version of the disaster, popular through the 1950s, in which many blacks got perverse pleasure out of knowing that racism prevented them from traveling (or even working) on the ship that sent so many wealthy white people to their doom.

Apparently another version of the Toast tells the story of a black stoker named Shine who is shunned by the wealthy white ladies until the ship is sinking at which time they offer him wealth and sexual favors to save them. Shine saves himself and leaves the ladies to their fate.

Jackson, Dianne M. Surviving the Titanic. 1st printing. Baltimore: PublishAmerica. April, 2005. wraps. isbn: 1413742041. scarcity: fairly common. This book does not appear to have much to do with the Titanic disaster; it is a self-help, motivational book.

Jackson, G. Gibbard. Steamships, Their History: and Their Deeds. 1st printing. London: The Boys Own Paper Office. n.d. (1910?). hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

The story of some of the most successful passenger ships of the time, including vessels from Cunard, White Star, American Line, Allan Line, P&O Line, Union Castle Line and the Canadian Pacific Line, amongst others. Olympic is displayed on the book’s cover.

With thanks to Kalman Tanito for details about this book.

Jackson, Herbert & Mary.

Jackson, Herbert & Mary. Maryport and the Titanic. 1997. wraps. booklet. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

Jackson, Herbert & Mary. Photo Titanic from the Herbert and Mary Jackson Collection Commemorating the 86th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912-1998. n.p . 1998. wraps. booklet. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Jackson, Herbert & Mary. Titanic Memories from the Herbert and Mary Jackson Collection Commemorating the 87th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic. n.p . 1999. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Jackson, Herbert & Mary. West Cumbria and World Shipping. limited, 1st printing. Cumbria: Hirsch-Jackson. 1992. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: scarce.

Jackson, Rex T. The Sultana Saga: The Titanic of the Mississippi. Heritage Books, Inc. May, 2003. wraps. isbn: 0788423584. scarcity: hard to find. This is another book with Titanic in the title which is primarily about a different disaster alltogether, in this case the Sultana tragedy. It does, however, contain eye witness accounts from the Titanic sinking, as well as other comparisons throughout the book.

Jackson, Steve. Gurps Time Travel. Adventures Across Time and Dimension. 1st printing. Austin, TX: Psi, Steve Jackson Games. 1991. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 1556341156. scarcity: common. In all, three adventures that span time and space. Chapter one, roughly 37 pages, is the Titanic. Reprinted in 1992 by Austin, TX: Steve Jackson Games, with ISBN 1556342349. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Jamesson, Christine. Rigel, Hero Dog of the Titanic. 1stBooks Library. 1997. . children’s book. isbn: 0000001964. scarcity: fairly common.

This is currently in electronic book format only. It can be downloaded off the internet at 1stBooks Library’s website for $3.95.

With thanks to Dru Scillow for pointing this one out to me.

Jamesson, Christine. The Legend of Rigel, Hero Dog of the Titanic. Authorhouse. December, 2005. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 1420886797. scarcity: fairly common. The paperback edition.

Jarvis, Charles E. Titanic Interlude: a Novel. .Alternate spellng of the author’s last name. see the complete listing under Ziavras.

Jemima, Sheila. Titanic Voices. Memories from the Fateful Voyage. Cowritten with Donald Hyslop. See the complete listing under Hyslop.

Jeffers, Alan & Rob Gordon. Titanic Halifax: A Guide to Sites. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing. 1998. wraps. isbn: 1551092751. scarcity: fairly common.

Jenner, Caryn. Titanic: A Survivor’s Tale. 1st printing NY: DK (Dorling Kindersley) Publishing. February, 2001. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0789473747. scarcity: fairly common.

Will and Lucy sail on the Titanic and are separated from their father when the ship begins to sink.

The title on the cover reads Survivors: The Night the Titanic Sank.

Also available in paperback under the isbn# 0789473739.

Jennings, Philip. Titanic: The Truth Behind the Disaster. New York: Crescent Books. May, 1992. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0517066998. scarcity: scarce.

Jennings Busek may be co-author, or this may be a mistake. not sure on the details, it could even be Busek Jennings! To add more to the confusion, the isbn number for this book is the same as the American edition of Peter Thresh’s book! With thanks to Patty Miller who pointed out that these two books have the same isbn number.

Jerrome, Edward George. Tales of the Atlantic. London: Blackie and Son Ltd. 1961. wraps. A volume in the True Adventures series. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

A short book that looks at three important events to occur on or over the Atlantic ocean. The first chapter, “A Disaster at Sea”, is about Titanic, the second chapter is “Water Everywhere”, and the final one is called “The First Men to Fly the Atlantic”. Roughly a third of the book, ten pages, is about the Titanic.

This author wrote quite a number of books in this series from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s. Other titles in the series include Tales of Railroads, Tales of Ships, Tales of Shipwrecks, Tales of Pirates, Tales of Flying, and Tales of Explorers, to name just a couple. There are quite a few more.

With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Jessop, Violet & with John Maxtone-Graham. Titanic Survivor. The Newly Discovered Memoirs of Violet Jessop Who Survived both the Titanic and Britannic Disasters. 1st printing. NY: Sheridan House. 1997. hardcover. introduced, edited and annotated by John Maxtone-Graham. isbn: 1574090356. scarcity: common.

Jolly, W.P. Marconi. 1st printing. New York: Stein & Day. 1972. hardcover. isbn: . scarcity: common.

Another Marconi biography. This one has only limited Titanic content, about eight pages. But though short, it covers some important ground, like Marconi’s private meeting with Harold Bride, which includes their discussion of the death of Bride’s partner Phillips. Some further details mention the disaster hearings, including the treatment of the steerage passengers, as well as the formation of the ice patrol.

With thanks to Patty Miller for information about this title.

Jones, Gail. The House of Breathing. 1st printing. Fremantle, Australia: Fremantle Arts Centre Press. 1992. wraps. fiction. isbn: . scarcity: scarce.

A collection of 10 short stories, the last one called “The House of Breathing”, is about the Titanic disaster.

There were several later printings, including a hardcover American edition, New York: George Braziller, isbn# 0807614556.

With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Jones, Marcia Thornton & Debbie Dadey. Happy Boo Day. 1st hardcover edition. Sagebrush Education Resources. February, 2000. hardcover. children’s book (ages 9 to 12). Number 9 in the Bailey City Monsters series. Illustrated by John Steven Gurney. isbn: 0613216741. scarcity: fairly common. Jane becomes convinced that Kilmer Hauntly's great-grandfather is really a ghost who died on the Titanic. With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

Jones, Marcia Thornton & Debbie Dadey. Happy Boo Day. 1st softcover edition. New York: Scholastic. January, 2000. wraps. children’s book (ages 9 to 12). Number 9 in the Bailey City Monsters series. Illustrated by John Steven Gurney. isbn: 0439150094. scarcity: fairly common.

Jones, R. Eurog. The True Hero and Other Poems. Cardiff: . n.d. (ca 1920). hardcover. poetry. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce. A poetry anthology which includes six Titanic related pieces, along with some World War One related verses. With thanks to Kalman Tanito for telling me about this title.

Jones, Terry. Douglas Adams’s Starship Titanic. 1st printing. NY: Harmony Books. 1997. hardcover. science fiction. isbn: 0609601032. scarcity: common.

Journal of Commerce. The Journal of Commerce Report of the Titanic Inquiry. 1st printing. Liverpool: Journal of Commerce. 1912. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Julian, Hester (editor). Memorials of Henry Forbes Julian, Member of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Joint Author of “Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores”, Who Perished in the “Titanic” Disaster; Written and Edited by His Wife Hester Julian. Also Letters from the “Titanic” and the “Carpathia”, with Portrait and Plates. Lon: Charles Griffin & Co. 1914. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.


Kaharl, Victoria A. Water Baby. The Story of Alvin. 1st printing. NY: Oxford Univ Press. 1990. hardcover. isbn: 0195061918. scarcity: fairly common.

Kamuda, Edward S. R.M.S. Titanic, 1912. A Tragedy Still Remembered After 60 Years. ca 1974. wraps. booklet. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Kartman, Ben & Leonard Brown (editors). Disaster!. 1st printing. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy. 1948. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

This book covers American disasters, natural and manmade, from 1811 to 1946. Several maritime disasters are covered, including the Titanic, the Great Lakes hurricane of 1913, and the capsizing of the Eastland in 1915.

The Titanic chapter is excerpted from Jack Lawrence’s book When the Ships Came In, although it is significantly shortened from the original 50+ pages down to 16.

Kaye, Marvin (editor). The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. 1st printing. NY: St. Martin’s Press. 1998. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0312180713. scarcity: fairly common.

Includes a short story set on Titanic.

A paperback edtion was done by Griffin Trade Paperback, 1999, isbn# 0312206380.
With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for bringing this book to my attention.

Keeley, Wayne J. The Titanic Chronicles. Bennu Multimedia. October, 1999. . two compact discs. isbn: 0929630548. scarcity: fairly common.

Re-enactments, with modern actors, of some of the most striking and revealing moments from the American Senate investigation.

Also availabe on two audio cassettes, isbn# 0929630556.

Keene, Carolyn. Operation Titanic (Nancy Drew & the Hardy Boys Super Mystery Series #35). NY: Simon & Schuster. January, 1998. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 0671007378. scarcity: fairly common.

Hardcover edition by Econo-Clad Books, October, 1999, isbn# 061308490X.

Keiser, Lloyd Jay & Phil Meske. Titanic II: the Comedy Album. Hand-Cranked Productions. September, 2000. . cd-rom. isbn: 0970157207. scarcity: fairly common.

48 Celebrities, 1 iceberg and 71 minutes of laughs. Billed as riotous satirical comedy. Is the world really ready for Titanic comedy???

Also available in an audio cassette version, isbn# 0970157215.

Keith, Jr, William H & Brady Games, Nina Barton. Titanic Adventure Out of Time: Hints & Solutions. Brady Publishing. November, 1996. wraps. computer game book. isbn: 156686657X. scarcity: fairly common.

Tips and hints for getting through the computer game.

Kelly, D.F. Way Back When. 1st printing. NY: Vantage Press. 1992. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0533102979. scarcity: hard to find.

A young couple, madly in love, die on Titanic’s maiden voyage. Reincarnated in the 1980s, they find they are still soulmates.

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for bringing this book to my attention.

Kendle, Dorothy. A Lifetime on the Titanic: The Biography of Edith Haisman. Cowritten with James Pellow. See the complete listing under Pellow.

Kent, Deborah. The Titanic. Danbury, CT: Children’s Press. October, 1993. hardcover. a volume in Cornerstones of Freedom Series. children’s book. isbn: 0516066722. scarcity: fairly common.

The paperback edition, same publisher, from August, 1994. isbn#0516466720.

Kentley, Dr. Eric. Discover the Titanic. 1st printing. Lon: DK (Dorling Kindersley) Publishing. 1997. hardcover. includes a 3-d model. children’s book. isbn: 0751356247. scarcity: fairly common.

Kentley, Dr. Eric. Story of the Titanic. Kentley wrote the text for tihs book illustrated by Steve Noon. See the complete listing under 'Noon'.

Kersting, H. The True Story: The Sinking of the Titanic. The Event that Shook the World. Burwood, NSW, Australia: Byrnes Pub Co. 1972. . isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

Killeen, George D. Gems of Posey. . 1912. hardcover. poetry. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

A book of poetry with the last two items being about the Titanic and the Carpathia. There are apparently photos of the two ships included as well.

With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for unearthing this one.

King, R.G. & L.M. Southampton Lives. 1st printing. Southampton: Bittern Press. 1985. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: very scarce.

A short history of Southampton which includes a few pages about Titanic. Also highlights information about two of the victims of the disaster, R.G. King and Charles Smith. With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

King-Smith, Dick. Just Binnie. Puffin Books. January, 2004. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0141380039. scarcity: fairly common. There are six of the Bone children and, when their parents are drowned on the Titanic, everyone wonders what will become of them. But Binnie is determined not to let the family be split up, and she stands up to all the well-meaning offers from relatives to take charge. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Kirch, Donald Allen. Ka-Re. reprint. Xlibris Corporation. December, 2000. hardcover. isbn: 0738847615. scarcity: fairly common.

Ka-Re is a reprint of the following title, Still Waters. The story has been updated, and the author took the opportunity to change the title, but they are one in the same book. See the following listing.

A paperback version of this reprint was made simultaneously with the hardcover edition. The isbn for this softcover edition is 0738847623.

Kirch, Donald Allen. Still Waters. Commonwealth Publications. September, 1997. wraps. fiction. isbn: 1551973731. scarcity: hard to find.

Fictional account which resurrects the Egyptian mummy smuggled aboard the Titanic legend. The author has recently published an updated version of his book called Ka-Re.

Kirrane, Simon (editor). The Titanic. Co-written with Diane Klein; see below for full details.

Kite, Janet. Death of a Maiden. 1st printing. Essex: Plus++ Publications. 1998. wraps. fiction. isbn: 0953396002. scarcity: very scarce.

Klein, Diane & Simon Kirrane (editors). The Titanic. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest. June, 1997. wraps. contributions by Lorna Ainger. isbn: 0641504446. scarcity: fairly common.

This appears to be the same book published by Geoff Tibballs in 1997, called The Titanic. The Extraordinary Story of the Unsinkable Ship. It certainly has the same cover as the Tibballs’ book, and by the same publisher as well.

Kline, Suzy. Horrible Harry Goes to Sea. 1st printing. New York: Viking. September, 2001. hardcover. children’s book (ages 4 to 8). Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz. isbn: 0670035165. scarcity: fairly common.

Children’s adventure about Harry and his class mates going on a riverboat ride after they learn that one of his classmate’s ancestors was a third class passenger on the Titanic. Also available in paperback, March, 2003, by Puffin Books, Penguin Books, isbn# 014250002X.

With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

Kludas, Arnold. Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 1, 1858-1912. Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens. October, 1975. hardcover. isbn: 0850591740. scarcity: fairly common.

First published in Germany as Die Grossen Passagierschiffe der Welt by Gerhard Stalling, Hamburg. This volume includes 209 passenger vessels of 10,000 GRT's or greater. Lots of White Star Line content, though there are just seven pages on the White Star Line trio themselves.

Kluger, Steve. Pilots of the Purple Twilight: a Play. NY: S. French. 1999. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 0573626812. scarcity: very scarce.

Apparently a play that focuses on John Jacob Astor.

Kohl, Cris.

Kohl, Cris. Titanic: The Great Lakes Connections. 1st trade printing. West Chicago: Seawolf Communications. December, 2000. wraps. isbn: 0967997607. scarcity: hard to find.

Kohl, Cris. Titanic: The Great Lakes Connections. limited first edition, SIGNED by the author. West Chicago: Seawolf Communications. December, 2000. hardcover. limited to 500 copies. isbn: 0967997615. scarcity: hard to find.

Kozak-Holland, Mark. On-Line, On-Time, On-Budget: Titanic Lessons for the e-Business Executive. IBM Press. September, 2002. wraps. isbn: 1931182345. scarcity: fairly common.

Kozak-Holland, Mark. Titanic Lessons for IT Projects. 1st printing. Lakefield, ON, Canada: Multi-Media Publications. 2005. wraps. isbn: 1895186269. scarcity: fairly common.

Kramer, Peter. The Big Picture, Hollywood Cinema from Star Wars to Titanic. BFI (British Film Institute). February, 2001. hardcover. isbn: 0851707866. scarcity: .

An analysis of Hollywood’s blockbuster films from 1977 to 1997.
Available simultaneously in paperback, isbn#0851707874.

Kudrow, Nicolas. From Kursk to Titanic: A Century of Shipwrecks, 1901-2001. 1st printing. Toronto: Megapolis Publishing. July, 2002. wraps. isbn: 1894485130. scarcity: scarce.

Kuntz, Tom.

Kuntz, Tom (editor). The Titanic Disaster Hearings: The Official Transcripts of the 1912 Senate Investigation. NY: Pocket Books. 1998. hardcover. isbn: 156865748X. scarcity: hard to find.

Kuntz, Tom (editor). The Titanic Disaster Hearings: The Official Transcripts of the 1912 Senate Investigation. 1st thus. NY: Pocket Books. 1998. wraps. isbn: 0671025538. scarcity: common.

Kupperberg, Paul. The Tragedy of the Titanic. 1st printing. NY: Rosen Publishing Group. June, 2002. hardcover. children’s book. A book in the When Disaster Strikes! series. isbn: 0823936791. scarcity: hard to find.


Lacey, Pat. Master of the Titanic. 1st printing. Sussex, England: Book Guild, Limited. December, 1996. hardcover. first published in paperback in 1997. fiction. isbn: 1857760301. scarcity: very scarce.

Lacey, Pat. Master of the Titanic. reprint. Sussex, Eng: Book Guild, Ltd. 1998. wraps. fiction. isbn: 1857762215. scarcity: scarce.

LaChiusa, Michael John. Hello Again. Dramatists Play Service. 1993. . fiction (play). isbn: 0822214075. scarcity: hard to find.

A Titanic musical. With thanks once more to Fiona Nitschke for mentioning this one.

Lacoudre, N(oël) . Les Objets du Titanic. La Mémoire des Abîmes. Cowritten with Jacques Montluçon. See the complete listing under Montluçon.

LaCroix-Wagaman, Elizabeth. She was Deemed. One Person’s Ultimate Gift to the Titanic. AuthorHouse. August, 2004. wraps. fiction. isbn: 1418483214. scarcity: fairly common.

Ladd, Shawn & edited by Jack Vann. Titanic and Her Sisters: Remembering the Dream. Morris Publishing. March, 1999. wraps. isbn: 073920145X. scarcity: scarce.

Lake, Brian (editor). Titanic. London: Peter Way, Ltd. 1972. wraps. stapled, newsprint magazine format. isbn: . scarcity: scarce. This appears to be another modern reprint of Phillip Gibbs’ 1912 work, The Deathless Story of the Titanic, originally published in a newsprint magazine format in Lloyd’s Weekly News. Thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Landau, Elaine. Heroine of the Titanic: the Real Unsinkable Molly Brown. 1st printing. NY: Clarion Books. April, 2001. hardcover. illustrated by the author. children’s book. isbn: 0395939127. scarcity: fairly common.

A biography of this early champion of woman’s rights, written for a teen audience.

Landau, Elaine. Maritime Disasters. 1st printing. New York: Franklin Watts. September, 1999. hardcover. children’s book (ages 9-12). isbn: 0531203441. scarcity: fairly common.

This book for children contains four chapters covering the Titanic, Lusitania, the Andrea Doria and the Morro Castle.

Also published in a paperback edition in March, 2000, isbn# 0531164276. There was another hardcover edition in October, 2001, isbn# 0613294718.

With thanks to Dru Schillow for information about this book.

Laroche: The Black Family on the Titanic. All for One Press. January, 2005. wraps. isbn: 0974595179. scarcity: n/a. Apparently about the Laroches, a Haitian family that travelled in second class. I haven't been able to confirm too much information about this upcoming book, not even an author yet. It is apparently due out the beginning of 2005.

LaRoe, Lisa Moore. Titanic Collector’s Edition. Wash, DC: National Geo. n.d. (1998). wraps. booklet. isbn: . scarcity: fairly common.

Larson, Erik. The Devil and the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America. 1st printing. New York: Crown. 2003. hardcover. isbn: 0609608444. scarcity: common.

Nonfiction account of mass murderer Dr. Henry Holmes, who killed scores of young women in the shadows of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. He is the first documented serial killer in US history.

There is a lot of detail about the fair itself, and artist Frank Millet gets covered rather extensively, as he painted some of the building interiors for the exhibition. But what makes this book of particular interest to us is that the beginning and ending chapters take place aboard Olympic during the voyage in which the Titanic was lost.

Also published in paperback at the same time, ISBN 096571134X.
With thanks to Ray Lepien for details about this title.

Lauber, Patricia. The Junior Science Book of Icebergs and Glaciers. 1st printing. Champaign: Garrard Publishing. 1961. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: none. scarcity: common.

The story of how the sinking of the Titanic brought to world attention the very real dangers of icebergs. The text also explains how icebergs and glaciers are formed, how the last Ice Age came about and if it could happen again. Finally it relates the formation of the International Ice Patrol as a direct result of the Titanic disaster. With thanks to Patty Miller for details about this book.

Lauzon, Shelley M (editor). R.M.S. Titanic. Lost April 15, 1912, Found September 1, 1985. A Joint French-American Discovery. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 1986. wraps. booklet. isbn: 6175481400. scarcity: very scarce.

A short booket that describes the techniques and equipment that was used in the search for the wreck. It also explains how the ship was found and includes some preliminary photos of the wreck site. With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

Lavery, Mike & Chris Sion. The Titanic Project. Friendly Press. 1986. wraps. isbn: 0948497319. scarcity: scarce.

Lawlor, Laurie. American Sisters, 1912. A Titanic Journey Across the Sea. 3rd printing. NY & Lon: Minstrel. 1998. hardcover. children’s book. isbn: 0671027182. scarcity: hard to find.

Revised edition in paperback due out October or November, 2000. isbn# 0671775596. Published by both Minstrel Books and Pocket Books under the same isbn.

Lawrence, Jack. When the Ships Came In. 1st printing. New York: Farrar & Rinehart. 1940. hardcover. illustrated with drawings by John O’Hara Cosgrave, II. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce. With thanks to Senan Molony for letting me know about this book.

Layton, J. Kent. Atlantic Liners, A Trio of Trios. 1st printing. Cafe Press. May, 2005. wraps. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Lehrer, Stanley. Titanic Fortune and Fate. Catalogue from The Mariners’ Museum Exhibition. Cowritten with Beverly McMillan. See the complete listing under McMillan.

Leininger, Tracy M. Nothing Can Separate Us: The Story of Nan Harper. San Antonio: His Seasons. 2000. hardcover. illustrated by Kelly Pulley & Lisa Reed. religious fiction, children’s book. isbn: 1929241216. scarcity: hard to find.

Leonard, Hal. Back to Titanic: Piano Selections. Hal Leonard Publishing. May, 1999. wraps. isbn: 0634001272. scarcity: hard to find.

Leonard, Hal. My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme from Titanic) and 15 other Top Movie Hits. Hal Leonard Pub. July, 1998. hardcover. also available in wraps. isbn: 079359605X. scarcity: hard to find.

Leonard, Hal. Piano Accompaniment: Music from Titanic. Hal Leonard Pub. May, 1998. wraps. isbn: 0793594790. scarcity: fairly common.

Leonard, Hal. Titanic. Hal Leonard Pub. August, 1998. wraps. isbn: 079359653X. scarcity: hard to find.

Leonhardt, Axel & T. Rockwell. Titanic: Studies in the Perfect Disaster. 1st printing. Copenhagen: Haase & Son. 1993. wraps. Text in English. isbn: 8755909353. scarcity: scarce. A review of the ship and of the factors that led to the disaster.

Lecasble, Guillaume & translated by Polly McLean. Lobster. 1st printing. Sawtry, Cambs, Eng: Dedalus Books. June, 2005. wraps. fiction. isbn: 1903517346. scarcity: hard to find.

Liggett, Michael. Titanic: The Untold Story. Cowritten with Joe Baker. See the complete listing under Baker.

Lightoller, Comdr. Charles H. Titanic and Other Ships. 1st printing. London: Nicholson & Watson. 1935. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

Lightoller, Comdr. Charles H. Titanic and Other Ships. abridged edition. London: Withy Grove Press, a Bay Tree Book. ca 1939. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Lightoller, Comdr. Charles H. Titanic. Riverside, CT: 7 C’s Press. 1975. wraps. isbn: 0911962122. scarcity: hard to find.

Lindley, Sally. Make Your Own Titanic. 1st printing. Bristol, GB: Parragon. 1998. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 0752528386. scarcity: hard to find.

Littlejohn, Alexander James & told by Philip Littlejohn.

Littlejohn, Alexander James & told by Philip Littlejohn. Titanic “Waiting for Orders”. The Story of Alexander James Littlejohn, Steward to W.T. Stead. LIMITED, 1st printing. SIGNED by Philip Littlejohn & survivor Millvina Dean. Maidenhead, UK: Crescent Company. April, 1999. hardcover. limited to 705 copies. isbn: 0953543609. scarcity: very scarce.

Littlejohn, Alexander James & told by Philip Littlejohn. Titanic “Waiting for Orders”. The Story of Alexander James Littlejohn, Steward to W.T. Stead. 1st printing. Maidenhead, UK: Crescent Company. April, 1999. hardcover. isbn: 0953543609. scarcity: hard to find.

Livewire Investigates the Titanic. Hodder & Stoughton. June, 2000. wraps. children’s book. isbn: 0340776439. scarcity: very scarce. Although not always listed, the author is Sarah Blackmore. For more details see the listing under Blackmore.

Llywelyn, Morgan. 1916. 1st printing. NY: Forge. 1998. hardcover. fiction. isbn: 031286101X. scarcity: common.

The author’s main character survives the Titanic disaster, but is orphaned. His experiences of class discrimination during the disaster give him a special insight during the 1916 Irish rebellion, known as the Easter Uprising.

Paperback edition published by Tor, 1999, isbn# 0812574923.
With thanks to Fiona Nitschke for bringing this book to my attention.

Log of the Totem, 1912. privately published. 1912. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce. This is not a logbook, per se, but rather a narrative of a ketch named Totem covering the period from June through September, 1912. It contains information about Titanic, Staten Island and New Jersey. With thanks to Dru Schillow for this one.

Longer Poems Notes: E.J. Pratt: The Titanic. Toronto: Coles Publishing. 1963. wraps. isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce. A study guide made to be used with Pratt’s poem on the disaster. This booklet does not include the poem itself. With thanks to Patty Miller for this one.

Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember. 1st printing. NY: Henry Holt. 1955. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember. 1st British printing. Lon: Longman’s, Green. 1956. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember. special limited edition, SIGNED by Lord. Norwalk: Easton Press. 1998. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: hard to find.

Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember, Illustrated Edition. 1st illustrated edition. NY: HR&W. 1976. hardcover. isbn: 030150760. scarcity: fairly common.

Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember, Illustrated Edition. 1st illustrated wraps edition. NY: Bantam. 1978. wraps. isbn: 0553010603. scarcity: fairly common.

Lord, Walter. Maiden Voyage article in American Heritage, December, 1955. NY: American Heritage. December, 1955. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: scarce.

Lord, Walter. The Night Lives On. 1st printing. NY: Morrow. 1986. hardcover. isbn: 0688049397. scarcity: common.

Lord, Walter. The Night Lives On. 1st British printing. Lon: Viking. 1987. hardcover. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Lost Words Series. The Titanic. This title was written by Senan Molony. See under Molony.

Louden-Brown, Paul. Cobb/Queenstown Titanic Memorial. . . wraps. booklet. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Louden-Brown, Paul. The White Star Line, An Illustrated History, 1870-1934. 1st printing. Norfolk, England: Ship Pictorial Publications. 1991. wraps. isbn: 0951603825. scarcity: very scarce.

Louden-Brown, Paul. The White Star Line, An Illustrated History, 1870-1934. 2nd revised edition. Kent, England: Titanic Historical Society. December, 2001. hardcover. author signed bookplate laid in. isbn: 1903374006. scarcity: hard to find.

Lovesey, Peter. The Sedgemoor Strangler and Other Stories of Crime. limited edition, 1st printing. Norfolk, VA: Crippen & Landru. 2001. hardcover. fiction. Limited to 275 copies. isbn: 1885941633. scarcity: fairly common.

An anthology of crime fiction including Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in "The Four Wise Men," and Jacques Futrelle inventigates a murder as the Titanic goes down in "Problem of Stateroom 10".

A trade paperback edition released simultaneously with the limited hardcover edition, ISBN: 1885941641. First British edition in 2002 by London: Allison & Busby, ISBN: 0749005238.

With thanks to Dru Schillow and Patty Miller for details about this book.

Lowenthal, Larry. Titanic Railroad: The Southern New England: The Story of New England’s Last Great Railroad War. 1st printing. Brimfield, MA: Market Press. March, 1998. hardcover. isbn: 0966273605. scarcity: hard to find.

The railroad that was not to be. Charles M. Hayes, President of the Grand Trunk Railroad had great plans to build a New England railway - those plans died with their creator in the sinking of the Titanic.

Lubbock, Basil. The Nitrate Clippers. 1st printing. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson. 1932. hardcover. isbn: none. scarcity: fairly common.

Apparently my original information about this book was incorrect. There is not any information about Captain Lord of the Californian to be found in this work.

With thanks to Tracy Smith for the update about this book.

First American edition by Boston: Charles E. Lauriat. also in 1932.
There have been several more recent reprints of this title.

Lubin, David M. Titanic. Lon: BFI (British Film Institute) Publishing. September, 1999. wraps. isbn: 0851707602. scarcity: hard to find.

Lubin, David M. Titanic. Indiana Univ Press. April, 2000. wraps. isbn: 0851707602. scarcity: hard to find.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Ghosts of the Abyss. A Journey Into the Heart of the Titanic. 1st American printing. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, Madison Press. April, 2003. hardcover. introduction by James Cameron. graphics illustrated by Ken Marschall. isbn: 0306812231. scarcity: common.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Ghosts of the Abyss. A Journey Into the Heart of the Titanic. 1st British printing. London: Hodder & Stoughton. April, 2003. hardcover. introduction by James Cameron. graphics illustrated by Ken Marschall. isbn: 0340734167. scarcity: common.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Titanic. An Illustrated History. 1st printing. NY: Hyperion. 1992. hardcover. color paintings by Ken Marschall. isbn: 1562829181. scarcity: common.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Titanic. An Illustrated History. 1st printing. Lon: Hodder & Stoughton. 1992. hardcover. color paintings by Ken Marschall. isbn: . scarcity: fairly common.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Titanic. An Illustrated History. 1st printing. Toronto: Madison Press. 1992. wraps. color paintings by Ken Marschall. isbn: 078688147X. scarcity: fairly common.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Titanic. An Illustrated History. 2nd special edition. NY: Hyperion. 1998. hardcover. color paintings by Ken Marschall. isbn: 078686401X. scarcity: common.

Lynch, Don & Ken Marschall. Titanic. An Illustrated History. limited edition. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press. 2005. hardcover. color paintings illustrated by Ken Marschall. isbn: . scarcity: hard to find.

Lynch, J.P. An Unlikely Success Story. The Belfast Shipbuilding Industry, 1880-1935. 1st printing. Belfast: Belfast Society, Ulster Historical Foundation. November, 2001. wraps. isbn: 0953960439. scarcity: hard to find.

The story of the Harland & Wolff and Workman Clark shipyards from the perspective of the workers who built the ships. With thanks to Keith Farrell for mentioning this title to me.