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Mark Kozak-Holland.

Kozak-Holland, Mark. On-Line, On-Time, On-Budget: Titanic Lessons for the e-Business Executive. IBM Press. September, 2002. wraps. isbn: 1931182345. scarcity: fairly common.

The author apparently uses the lessons learned from the construction of Titanic as a foundation for the modern non-IT executive to choose the right approaches to develop on-line operations.

Kozak-Holland, Mark. Titanic Lessons for IT Projects. 1st printing. Lakefield, ON, Canada: Multi-Media Publications. 2005. wraps. isbn: 1895186269. scarcity: fairly common.

In his first book, the author’s primary topic was how modern executives could avoid making bad decisions. He used the Titanic disaster as examples of how bad decisions were made in 1912. In this new title, he apparently switches that around, this time focusing on the Titanic disaster as the primary subject, then showing how to avoid similar mistakes in today’s world. As such, there is apparently a lot more Titanic content in this one than was found in his first work. With thanks to Mary Jean Faulkner for letting me know about this book, and to the publisher for further details.

For further details, see the Titanic Lessons page on the publisher's website.