Titanic Symposium

April 23 - 25, 2004

Maine Maritime Academy
Castine, Maine

Info on the next Titanic Symposium here.

Cathy Akers-Jordan
Davison, Mich.
David Brown
Port Clinton, Ohio
Peter Cross
Halifax, Nova Scottia
Sam Halpern
Matawan, NJ
Donna Fricke
Castine, Maine
Jonathan Howland
Marion, Mass.
Rachel Howland
Castine, Maine
Sarah Hudson
Castine, Maine
Jessica Rowe
Detroit, Mich.
Lori Stone
Castine, Maine
Michael Standart
Easley, SC
Allison Tunick
Castine, Maine
Charles Weeks
Castine, Maine
Lois Weeks
Castine, Maine
Erik Wood
Auburn, Kansas

Bill Wormstedt
Kirkland, Wash.

Schedule of Events
(use included links to go to photos and handouts)
Friday 4/23
Saturday 4/24
Sunday 4/25

0700    Breakfast

0900    Capt. Erik Wood
            Flooding and Breakup

1000     Dr. Donna Fricke
             Research Methods
             Lori Stone
             Lifeboat loading experiment

1045     Jeremy Weirich, NOAA
Bob Ballard's 2004
             Expedition & NOAA
1200      Lunch
0930    Brunch

1000    Round Table Discussion
1330    Capt. Charles Weeks

1400     Capt. David Brown
             Bridge Management Team
                   and Compasses

1500     Capt. David Brown

1600      Bridge Simulator

1730      Dinner
1300      Cathy Akers-Jordan
Gates Aboard RMS Titanic
              Capt. Charles Weeks
              Analysis of Flooding

1530     Dr. Jonathan Howland
             Rachel Howland
             Location of Bodies and
                   Causes of Death

1700     Symposium Banquet

        Miscellaneous photos
             Maine Maritime Academy
             Symposium: The Crew

1845      Allison Tunick
              Celestial Navigation,
                   Days work

1915      Allison Tunick
              Planetarium - April 14,
1830     Peter Cross
             Radio Communication

1930      Capt. Charles Weeks
              Ship Tour of the
                  "T. S. State of Maine"
                  Lifeboat Drill and


  The  Bridge Simulator:

  Capt. Brown:   Hard-a-starboard!
  QM Standart:  Aye, sir!  Hard over.
(can you tell Mike is in his element?)

Trapped by the Bostwick Gates!
(okay, so they wouldn't let us back into the dining hall!)
Sam Halpern, Michael Standart, Charles Weeks, Cathy Akers-Jordan,
Bill Wormstedt, Peter Cross, Erik Wood, David Brown

Rivetcounters U
Class of 2004

Back: Erik Wood, Charles Weeks, Cathy Akers-Jordan, Michael Standart, Bill Wormstedt, Peter Cross, Sam Halpern
Front: David Brown