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The Titanic Book
Site.Com Book Archives.
A descriptive and (mostly) objective
history of books in the English language
on the most infamous maritime disaster of
all time.
To all those individuals whose passion for
the subject keeps the story of the Titanic
alive, this site is dedicated to you.
On a frigid, calm night in April of 1912 a
ship met an iceberg in the middle of the
north Atlantic. A few hours later, two
thirds of the human souls, a handful of
dogs and a ship's cat were all dead. The
story of what happened that fateful night
has become the stuff of legend. The ocean
liner Titanic, considered
virtually unsinkable by the conventional
wisdom of the day, sank in under three
hours. The event stunned the world in
1912, (for a far briefer period than
legend suggests). Arguably it still
remains the most infamous maritime
disaster of all time. It is the shipwreck
of all shipwrecks. What draws us to the Titanic
disaster over and above any other? Many
people have their own theories, but the
truth is either you 'get' the Titanic
bug or you don't. And if you've got it,
you know it.
If you are fascinated by
this event, one of the very best
collectibles on the subject is books.
Not only are they a heck of a lot more
available than most other kinds of Titanic
collectibles, but (for the most part)
they are a lot more reasonably priced,
too. If you want to learn more about
collecting books on Titanic, you
have come to the right place.
My main interest, and
thus the focus of this site, is
nonfiction titles. Still you will find
extensive listings for novels,
children's books, etc.
More Here.
Has Changed: |
for one, I"m
Baaaaaack! With special thanks
to Bill Wormstedt for kindly
offering to host the site. Bill,
you are the best!
Thanks as well to all the kind
people on the Titanic
Bibliophile Facebook page, who
convinced me to make the site
available again - even as dated
as it is.
What's Broke:
The search engine I used for the
site is no longer active, so no
search for now until I can get a
new one put together.
I expect most of the website
links on the Links page are no
longer active, or have been
Sites needs a complete
rewrite as well as there was
no such thing as Facebook
Scarcity Rating Scale. Many
of the titles rated as
Fairly Common or
Common have become much less
so over the years. On the
other hand, few of the
Fairly Scarce and Very
Scarce titles have gotten
any more common!
Book Alerts: Last Updated
February 7, 2007.
Now In-Print and available for
Purchase: Titanic Hearts.
Here For More
Book News: Last Updated
December 19, 2006.
Here For More
To Go for Up to Date Info: |
Too be
updated sooner or later.
Announcements: |
Our Out Of Print Book Store! |

July 8th
The State of the Site Address.
Back by
Popular Demand! Or at least by
some very nice folks who have
requested the site be made
available again. With a few
minor alterations, the site is
online pretty much as it was
when it left way back in 2007.
Important note on the book
reviews. When these were written
it was with the latest knowledge
of the Titanic availability at
the time. A lot of time has
passed, and a lot of what was
considered conventional wisdom
at the time has fallen to the wayside
for new theories and different
beliefs. A book I raved about in
2002 might be considered so much
hokum by today's standards. Thou
hast been warned!
May 16,
For the past two years, personal
matters have permitted me less
and less time to keep the site
updated. Unfortunately, it has
now become such that I really
cannot devote any further time
to the site any longer. I
considered taking the site down,
but after discussing this with a
group of friends, I have decided
to leave what is here available
as a static site.
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The primary purpose of
this site is an attempt at a
bibliography of books printed on the
subject. The site first came online in
the year 2000, shortly after the Millennium Bug
wreaked all that havoc. What, you don't
remember? I make no claim to have listed
every Titanic related book ever
printed, which as we know would be a
very silly claim indeed. The site
contains complete alphabetic listings
both by author and by title. Another
very useful feature of this site is the
extensive Subject Bibliographies which
list books under 35 subjects ranging
from Alternate Theories to Wireless.
Besides the Subject Index and Title
Index there is even an index for
illustrators. Of greatest pride to me,
and perpetual annoyance
to anyone who might disagree, is my
Titanic Book of the Year Award.
Chosen by a select group of my