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Wyn Craig Wade.

Winner of the Titanic Book of the Year Award for 1979.

Wade, Wyn Craig. Titanic, End of A Dream. 1st printing. NY: Rawson, Wade. 1979. hardcover. isbn: 0892560991. scarcity: common.

The story of the United States Senate Inquiry into the disaster. Wade’s book debunks the myths surrounding that investigation, especially as they related to the Inquiry’s mastermind, Senator William Alden Smith of Michigan. For decades, Smith had been portrayed as little more than a pompous fool whose ignorance of ships and shipping had turned the American investigation into a laughing stock. In his zeal to right the perceived injustice, the author occasionally swings too far to the other extreme, practically canonizing the senator at times. The excesses are not themselves that excessive though, and the author achieves his goal of setting the record straight, showing that Smith, with all his faults and virtues was the right man in the right place at the right time. Plus this is another title that is written with real style. It is a pleasure to read.

Reprinted in paperback in 1980, 1986 and 1992 by Viking/Penguin.
Another hardcover printing in October, 1999 by Econo-Clad Books, isbn# 0808575104.

Wade, Wyn Craig. Titanic, End of A Dream. 1st British printing. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. January, 1980. hardcover. isbn: 0297777173. scarcity: scarce.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson apparently published a softcover edition at the same time as the hardcover version, isbn# 0297788876.

There was another hardcover British edition published in December, 1986 by Penguin books, isbn# 0140096353.

Wade, Wyn Craig. Titanic, End of A Dream. reprint edition. London: Futura. November, 1980. wraps. isbn: 0708818641. scarcity: scarce.

A different publisher released this second softcover British edition. It came out later in the year after the hardcover version.

Also available in yet another paperback edition, London: Penguin Books, April, 1992, wraps. isbn# 0140166912.

With thanks to Vaughan Birbeck for details about the British editions of this book.